Chapter Three

Sep 02, 2009 05:37

Title: Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl

Character/Pairing:  Willabeth, and hits at JackxOC, and hint

Rating: T (based on fanfiction's ratings)

Summary:  This has been done before I know. But I just couldn't resist doing it myself with Pearl. This isn't Pearl's story but I can have my fun and add her in to the movies.

I don’t own anything Pirates of the Caribbean. I do own Pearl and any OC’s that happen to be in this fiction
Pearl wondered around the town with Drake after the day after pirate attack looking for Will who had never returned home. She only hoped she wouldn’t be finding his dead body.“Over here.” Drake called as he knelt over a body. Pearl rushed over to the body the boy was now by.
“Will!! Will wake up” she cried as she shook the young man who slowly opened an eye and looked at her.
“Thank goodness you’re not dead” she said hugging her older cousin and only known family member tightly. Will then got up and rushed to the fort Pearl and Drake following not to far behind.
“They’ve taken her. They’ve taken Elizabeth.” Will shout to Norrington.
“Mr. Murtogg , remove this man.” Norrginton said without even looking up at the younger man.
“We have to hunt them down. We must save her.” Will shot again not happy about being ignored.
“And where do you propose we start? If you have any information concerning my daughter, please share it.” Spoke the Governor
“That Jack Sparrow. He talked about TheBlack Pearl.” Said Murtogg.
“Mentioned it, is more what he did.” Stated Mullroy
“Ask him where it is. Make a deal with him. He could lead us to it.” Will put in.
“No. The pirates who invaded this Fort left Sparrow locked in his cell ergo they are not his allies.” Norrington said turning back to Swann. “Governor, we will establish their most likely course.”
“ That’s not good enough!” Will yelled as he tossed his hatchet into the table cutting the map.
“Mr. Turner , you are not a military man, you are not a sailor. You are a blacksmith and this is not the moment for rash actions.” He said pulling the hatchet out of the table then leading Will to the door “Do not make the mistake of thinking you are the only man here who cares for Elizabeth” he added handing him back the hatchet.
“What will you do now” Pearl asked as they walked away together.
“I want you to return to the smithy and stay there”
“No! What ever you’re planning on doing I’m having part of it!”
Will sighed, he knew no matter how much he protested she return to the smithy he wouldn’t win this battle.
“You. Sparrow!”“Aye.”
“You are familiar with that ship? TheBlack Pearl?”
“I’ve heard of it.”
“Where does it make berth?”
“Where does it make berth? Have you not heard the stories? Captain Barbossa and his crew of miscreants sail from the dreaded Isla de Muerta . It’s an island that cannot be found except by those who already know where it is.”
“The ship’s real enough. Therefore its anchorage must be a real place. Where is it?”
“Why ask me?” Jack asked as he examined his nails.
“Because you’re a pirate.”
“And you want to turn pirate yourself, is that it?”
“Never! They took Miss Swann.”
“Oh, so it is that you’ve found a girl. I see. Well, if you’re intending to brave all, hasten to her rescue and so win fair lady’s heart you’ll have to do it alone, mate. I see no profit in it for me.”
“I can get you out of here.”
“How’s that? The keys run off.”
“I helped build these cells. These are half pin-barrel hinges.” He said picking up a bench and placing it at the bottom of the cell door. “With the right leverage and the proper application of strength. The door will lift free.”
“What’s your name?”
“Will Turner.”
“That will be short for William, I imagine. Good, strong name. No doubt, named for your father, eh?”
“Uh-huh. Well, Mr. Turner, I’ve changed me mind. If you spring me from this cell I swear on pain of death I shall take you to the Black Pearl and your bonny lass. Do we have an accord?”
“Agreed.” Will said as they shook hands.
“Agreed. Get me out.”
“Hurry. Someone will have heard that.” Will said once he had lifted the door free.
“Not without my effects.”
Once outside they meet up with Pearl who didn’t seem to happy.
“Make enough noise?” she said in an irated voice. Jack eyes fell on her.
“Who is this?”
“My cousin, Pearl. It’s been just the two of us for that past 8 and half years. She’ll be coming with us”
“We’re going to steal the ship. That ship?” Will said as he looked to the Dauntless.“Commandeer. We’re going to commandeer that ship. Nautical term. One question about your business, boy, or there’s no use going. This girl? How far are you willing to go to save her?”
“I’d die for her.”
“Oh, good. No worries, then.”
“This is either madness or brilliance.” Will said as they walked under water using a boat to create an air bubble.
“It’s remarkable how often those two traits coincide.”
“Everyone stay calm! We are taking over the ship.” Jack called out once aboard the dauntless.
“Aye! Avast!” Will said only to have all the men laugh.
“This ship cannot be crewed by two men and a girl. You’ll never make it out of the bay.” Said Gillette.
“Son. I’m Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?” Jack said pointing his pistol at Gillette’s nose.
“Commodore!” called Groves as he noticed Gillette and his men in a small boat.
“Sir, they’ve taken the Dauntless. They’ve taken the ship. Sparrow and the Turners - they’ve taken the Dauntless.” Screamed Gillette as he waved from the boat.
“Rash, Turner, too rash. That is without doubt the worst pirate I have ever seen.” Norrington said as he looked threw his spy glass.
“Here they come.” Pearl said as she noticed the Interceptor set sail only to receive a grin from Jack.
“Bring her around! Bring her around!” Gillette shouted to his crew in the boat.
“Search every cabin, every hold, down to the bilges.” Norrington called out as he and his men boarded the Dauntless while Jack, Will and Pearl swung onto the Interceptor and sailed away.
“Sailors, back to the Interceptor! Now!” Norrington ordered as he noticed this.
“Quickly men!” yelled a sailor as they attempted to swing back over to the Interceptor but where to late.
“Thank you, Commodore, for getting us ready to make way. We’d have had a hard time of it by ourselves.” Jack called out as he waved his hat in one hand and steered with the other.
“Set top sails and clear up this mess.” Norrington said his voice full of anger.
“With the wind at quarter astern, we won’t catch them.” Added in Groves.
“We don’t need to catch them just get them in range of the long nines.”
“Hands come about. Run out the guns.” Groves ordered the crew. “We open fire on our own ship, sir?” he said to Norrington.
“I’d rather see her at the bottom of the ocean than in the hands of a pirate.” Norrington replied.
“Commodore, he’s disabled the rudder chain, sir!” said a sailor.
That’s got to be the best pirate I’ve ever seen.” Said Groves
“So it would seem.” Norrington answered aggravation ringing in his voice.
Nextchapter Jack and Pearl ineract with eachother. Will they find out they are father and daughter??

cotbp, stories

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