Mar 05, 2007 14:06
If it isn't one thing it is another. I think I'm going to ask the social worker at the clinic I am going to if she can help me find a new place to live/stay. Kip is doing much better, but for some reason I just don't feel comfortable living here. The only time I get to see him is when I need something from him, other than that he is always playing Warcraft. I can't stand being second to a game. There are many things I could stand to come in second to, but a video game is not one of them.
On top of that I need to find someplace to put my cat. I can't have her here. Kip's cat is territorial. But my sister is saying that Lilly pissed on her bed. It is something that I can believe that Lilly would do, but she is blaming her without any proof it was actually here. Whenever any of the cats do anything (besides throw up) it is always blamed on Lilly. Anyway, Angelica is saying she's going to take my cat to the humane society or let her b/f kill it. I don't know what to do. I got kicked out so his kids could have my room, now they are trying to off my cat? :(
I had a bad dream the other night that Kip's friend Beth came over and attacked me with a knife. She was upset because I was keeping Kip and her apart and she had decided that they were destined to be together. I kept screaming for Kip to come help me but he wanted to make sure that he was in a good place with his Warcraft quest. By the time he came to save me, Beth had already stabbed me to death. I told him about it and it said that it was creepy because it sounds something like Beth might do. He was disappointed with the view of him my subconscious has.