Oct 06, 2005 02:15
So lately my world has been turned upside down thrown over the edge of
reason and plopped down to have a nice talk with a wise little holy man
on a mountain top, we haven't spoken yet but yesterday he winked....
seriously though, if you haven't heard from me it's becaue i'm a busy
girl and yes, i'm irresponsible and have a hard time keeping up with
life... i need to send a shout out to all my friends and family
who have been there for me lately... you know who you are... and
to all of those who i've managed to loose touch with but are still very
dear to me and always close to my heart.
if you haven't talked to me lately then i'll clue you in a little...
i'm back at saginaw valley for my last semester of classes. next
semester i'll be student teaching (i don't know where yet, but probably
somewhere in bay city).
due to chaos in my personal life, i've thrown myself into a lot of
extracurricular activities involving the university... i
work at the Valley Vanguard now, our school paper, as a staff
writer. (That's right, i'm a journalist, and they're actually
paying me for my words!!! lol) i'm on Cardinal Sins
editorial staff... it's a magazine consisting of SVSU
student/facutly/staff creative writing and photography/artwork
that is publised biannually by students/faculty/staff of SVSU...
we just had our submissions deadline for our fall issue so i have lots
of fun reading to do! i'm on a committe that is writing a
grant and organizing a creative writing camp for this following
summer... i recently picked up another side tutoring job once a week
with a 5th grader needing help with her writing skills, i just joined a
new organization on campus called Students for Political Awareness
(thanks to swenja) and yes, i still work at the svsu writing center 15
hours a week... oy... lots of work, but i promise...
it's lots of fun! no, i'm not trying to draft a
resume, i just figured everyone might want to know why i'm horrible at
calling them back and keeping in contact with them! haha.
i'm currently living with two fabulous women and two cats. we
also have a few honorary fifth, sixth, and seventh roomies (the
entertaining and fantastic men we've befriended/boyfriended) who hang
out at our place consistently. our place is right on bay road so
commuting from off campus hasn't been so bad this semester, or at least
not so bad until the snow gets here! amee and amanda (the women,
not the cats) are just as busy as i am but we get to chill and go out
to the bars once in awhile and see eachother at school where we're
involved in the same activities and jobs.
i'm still playing guitar... hopefully will be singing soon in Buck's
band (my roomie amanda's bf's band)... when i have some free time i
sleep lol or go rollerblading cuz i want to keep this fab figure
i gained in europe... hmm what else... i mostly hang out with my
roomies including the adopted ones (Thomas, Buck, andMark K.)
... Marcus stopped on by Michigan last week and that was
definitely my highlight of September (thanks Marcus, i love ya
bud)! i hadn't seen him for over four months so i was starting to
go in withdrawal.
if you're worried about the chaos in my life that i've mentioned
earlier, don't. it'll work its way out in time and with a little
help from God. did i mention that i've become a million times
stronger in my faith? actually, i think i just opened my eyes to
the faith i've always had but didn't know i had... mom
always said i looked at the world through rose colored glasses but
really i think it was the "faith like a child" that has always
had me smiling through life.
hopefully i can write in this joural more often... i have a
feeling i'll be venting more than anything... but hey, what's a
journal for if you can't use it to say all the things you don't have
the guts to say in "real life" lol
ciao darlings