Selling Catnip Pillows for The American Heart Association

Apr 14, 2010 20:31

Today through May 1st I am selling hand-made catnip pillows to support my friend Joelle in the American Heart Association Heart Walk. Her goal is to raise $1500 this year. Joelle's Goddaughter, Emma, has a heart defect called ASD, which basically means she has a hole in her heart, so this walk is very personal to Joelle. For more information on Emma and Joelle's story read it here.

The pillows are about 10 inches long and 9 inches around. They are stuffed with pillow stuffing and lots of organic catnip. Cats love to wrestle and bite them and they're even long enough that they can get a good rake in with their back claws! The fabric is cotton and has an adorable pattern of cats playing in a garden. The fabric is yellow, which is one of only four colors cats can see. In a world of black and white these toys stand out! The "tail" is made of green suede lacing so it's tough. All sides are double stitched so they won't tear open when kitties get rough.

The pillows cost $5 each. 50% of the proceeds will go directly to Joelle for the Heart Walk. I will accept payment through Paypal or check/money order.

To order a pillow (or several!) please email me at . I will send you payment information and get your shipping information. Please make sure to include your name and how many you're ordering. I will have a limited number of pillows - when I run out of fabric they're gone! So order soon.

If you're a friend of mine and can pick-up in person, I will hold them. If you're a friend of Joelle's and can pick-up from her, I will send them directly to her. If neither of these works I will mail them by first-class mail to whatever address you specify.

Thanks for looking!

kitty approved!

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