(no subject)

Jun 18, 2009 07:41

So Tuesday was a public holiday, and in the excitement of having a day off where I wasn't confined to my little apartment, I figured I'd buy splurge on a little alcohol to celebrate getting better and my friend's birthday at the same time. To cut a long fuzzy story short, I was off my face pished. So much that it warranted a trip to the ER (and this isn't the first time) but this time I refused the drip and indignity of a speech the next morning. It wasn't my smartest move.

Yesterday I was struck with a bastard hangover from the nether recesses of hell. I don't know how I managed to get myself dressed, let alone drive. It felt like punishment. Pure, full force damnation. I spent the day under bright flourescents wincing and cursing my way through the day, my forehead firmly planted in my hands or on my desk. To top it all off I got one of those phonecalls 2 minutes before I got to clock off and it took me half an hour. I didn't even have the energy to get upset. I still don't feel all that better. The muscles in my back, shoulders, arms and stomach are cramping constantly, my brain still feels like it's been replaced with a very unhappy cactus and the waves of nausea are less frequent.

I would say "I'm never going to drink that much again", but I didn't drink that much compared to an average weekend bender. I should probably vow to not drink Tang bite, brutal fruit and red wine on a week night.  

hangover, cursing, red wine, public holiday

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