
Jul 08, 2008 10:16

I had two dreams, one that was seemingly abandoned in favor of the next.

I was in some kind of small school in England. ...oh yes, total Harry Potter influenced. (Probably because I was playing the wang/pants/murloc game with Harry Potter titles yesterday.) We are supposed to be reading a story called something like "Hodge Podge". Other stuff happens. Then someone starts killing my friends. Poisoning them.

Contact poison. In their lotion, etc. One girl puts some on her hands, falls down. Hands are numb. It works its way over the body until the whole body is paralyzed. This of course means the heart and lungs stop working. I am with another friend... looks like... Danny Devito and he's blind. He stays with the girl, I run a few buildings down a street. Another friend had just gotten on the bus in that spot, also having put on the lotion. I run into the building - a medical clinic - and babble out as fast as I can; "I need an ambulance, just three buildings up, at the bus stop. My friend has been poisoned. It is in her hands and working up her arms, paralyzing everything. I don't have a phone, I need someone to call an ambulance! I don't know how to. I'm an American - if you cannot tell by my horrible accent!" someone finally calms me down enough, and makes the call. They need an exact time of the poisoning - the police are already investigating the other killings. 4:15.

They come, and I guess save her. Another friend was poisoned but seemed to be resistant to the poison because... he was poor and grew up around a lot of roaches? Yes, that's the reason the doctors gave us. I dunno. After that, the dream seems to be abandoned.

I am in a car with... okay, it's me, Fred Savage (I am not kidding, and blame South Park), Walter, and two other guys of unknown origin. Suddenly something weird starts going on. There's some confusion and we start driving looking for a rural area to fuel up. We just know everyone is going nuts in the cities. At some point... some... giant monster thing? attacks us and puts our car up against some power lines? Or maybe it is JUST the powerlines attacking. I have NO idea.

Fred Savage gets out and wrestles with them some. He's just a kid, though. The woman climbs out. "I know what's happening!" she hands Savage her necklace which is... a sharp angled looking eye shape? The top is a roof peak if you were a kid drawing a house. the bottom is similar, pointing down and smaller, so it fits inside the other.

After that, we start driving... and the dream lapses again. Kind of like a flash forward. People are roaming all over, but they are acting more and more like bears. In order to not be killed, we have to do the same. The few people who were left are long ago separated and it's just me and Walter in a mall. Trying to go up stupidly impossible escalators, me in a long skirt. We run into an old man who can tell we are not changed. He's not either, but he used to live out in the woods with bears, so... the changed people dont bother him.

He tells us we have to act like bears, and he kind of helps. For whatever reason, Walter doesn't have to act like a bear? So... somehow I also use the World of Warcraft "Bear Form" to change and start acting like a grumpy matron bear. I'll eat left over pasta noodles, etc (who the hell was able to make hamburger helper type stuff while pretending to be a bear escapes me. little hints that not EVERYONE was changed) but refuse the regular bear feeding time. (another hint) They bring out heaping plates of earth worms. I growl at anyone who tries to feed them to me, or urges me to eat them. There's a lot of time passing in this large mansion type setting. When the other 'bears' start playing with things, I'll go over and 'paw' through everything like a curious bear? then growl and wander off. On all fours, of course. At some point, we are going to have "play time" out in the forest. They load us up in carts on a rail track. (Again, I have no idea who is running this or who "they" are. In the dream, I dont even consider this factor. It just "is".)

Somewhere on the ride it is a weird transition. They hook us onto cables and slide us across a chasm? Walter has become kind of my 'keeper' for the trip, the old man is with us too. Walter is in the sling - he's only wearing underwear and his green robe? - and I have to get into human form and basically hold onto him like a monkey. That was all I remember, as I got text messaged and woken up at that point.


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