Random Stuff in My Life

May 05, 2013 17:53

Well I got an email LJ saying they were going to purge my account unless I posted. Not sure how I feel about that. I mainly use my LJ account to lurk about and read fanfiction. I'm not motivated enough to really write myself.

Anyhoo, am in the process of joining the Navy (hopefully I'll get it) and will probably be engaged/married soon. This is a huge break from my normal mentality. But let me explain. I didn't date previously because I always figured I would never find a guy who would deal with my numerous issues, like my fear of physical intimacy, long enough for marriage (Now I have, and he's really chill about pretty much everything, can even take my insane family in stride and doesn't push me). So that was one reason for not dating. Another was that, even though I myself am not religious, I grew up with the mentality that you date to get married, and that is a hard mindset to break free of. Now that I found a guy to date, well the only reason I'm dating him is because I can see us being married. If I didn't think that as a definite possibility I wouldn't have begun a relationship. So I've introduced him to my family, after five(ish) months of dating. Well, most of my family. The kids anyhow, which I would not have done unless we were talking about marriage, which we have been. He's really supportive of me going into the Navy, even though he really doesn't get it. He's Israeli, and they have a compulsory military so he doesn't get serving if I don't have to. But since it is what I want to do, he's going to support me. Which is really incredible considering that means he's kinda taking a backseat for the next five years.
That's why we are going to rush the whole engagement/marriage bit. I mean, all engagement is a placeholder until you get your shit straightened out for the wedding and whatnot. I don't want a wedding. I can't really think of anything I would want less. An expensive party that your family members are all at, hell no.

Anyhoooooo hop LJ is happy
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