heart problems

Sep 06, 2004 12:39

it sucks when you are finally getting over emotional heartache and then the blasted thing starts physically hurting. i swear... the thing is just faulty.
so i am now a chi-o. a baby hooter. it's funny and scary how much i enjoy it. saturday was so much fun - just playing and being stupid and everything. i don't think i've ever been more myself with a group of girls. it's a lot easier for me to be myself in front of guys than girls, because they are so petty and judging - but i honestly was impressed with their ability to act normal and easy going. it probably helped a bit that the water and the sun are two of my favorite things in the whole world and i got to partake in their blessings the whole afternoon. and my skin was reaping the benefits (funny that i call uv rays benefits here!) as well. whenever i type "as well" i want to type it "asswell" because that's how i say it to myself when i write it and when i am talking to people who aren't scared off by my way of speaking.
german starts in a few minutes and i am scared. i didn't go to class on friday (i know i know... already skipping class in the first week - but friday was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day) and i know there was a quiz and i don't feel like making up an excuse but he doesn't care that i was emotionally unable to come to class and sit in a room and keep my composure, now does he??? i really like him, but for some reason i think he probably thinks that german is more inportant than heartache. i mean, i don't see why - but he is entitled to his opinion.
we moved into and slept in the trailer last night. finally a bed that i know and remember and am well aquainted with -- it was heaven. my matress, my down conforter, my squishy pillows, my soft sheets -- it was a wonderful night. today i am going to my uncle dean's apartment to help paint my other new room. i am excited about the prospect of having 2 new places to sleep and decide which one i want to spend the night at every night. of course it helps none with the problems i have with home and not feeling like i am living out of my car or a suitcase or something, but oh well. i got this sign friday that says a chi omega cutie lives here, you know the ones, and i am tempted to tape it to my car window because that would be the truth.
off to class with the best intentions of trying not to say douche anymore.
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