Jul 14, 2004 18:04
I spent my day doing very mandatory, very boring things. In order to move one must call all the people who demand money of you and tell them your new address. Doesn't sound very grueling, but trust me, time on hold is like time waiting to use the potty. So to celebrate my acomplishments I am listing them here.
Called Xcel- excellent start, man was friendly, helpful and prompt.
Called Comcast- yucky. Woman was condecending.
Renee offered to call AT&T- yucky. Man didn't want us to cancel long distance and was 'creepy'
Called Comcast back- for cable. Bad news, because can't do nothing until current residents of new place call to cancel theirs, but delivered by friendly lady.
Called landlady- to ask her to ask current residents to tell Comcast people that they're moving. Very pleasant. Leah is a lovely lady.
Then I answered the billion emails I let pile up, Called 14 places looking for a Uhaul (No luck) and took a walk to video store to return rentals. Now I am going to go eat things from our freezer, because if we eat them we don't have to figure out who will take them during the evil iterum between having a place.
Tonight on the agenda is sociology and novel. In that order.
Oh yeah, and to call parents and Maria.