May 04, 2004 10:45
How to spot me in a crowd:
Ummm... unless I'm wearing one of my bizarre outfits, I'm pretty blendy.
The nature of me:
Easygoing except when I'm rageful, nice except when I'm cranky, and weirdly obsessive/passionate about all sorts of things
The real me:
Fairly self-evident. A bit more insecure than the label says, but then who isn't.
Common reactions to me:
You are odd. Then laughter.
What not to say to me:
bitchy things? ohhh, or 'We're out of ice cream'
How to scare me:
take me on a roller coaster or be scary.
How to get me to smile:
Talk to me, you'll find its pretty easy.
How to get me to laugh:
it's pretty easy
What makes me mad:
I know this is a lame answer but mean people. Also people who turn their snub noses up at a good time cause it's 'childish'
What makes me happy:
any of my odd obsessions, my friends, my girly, books, cool sociology articles, dancing, bubbles, the clouds, unexpected hugs (Got one of those today from Adam).
What motivates me:
Umm lately, not much. I have been a lazy bunny. But in general deadlines, and sweets.
What makes me stumble:
I assume this is metaphorically, so family stuff, and actually saying out loud that I'm pissed.
How to meet me:
Answer one of my billion silly questions, have a cool t-shirt and a willingness to talk about it, ask me a question, or be intriguing from afar for long enough.