Excitement! Having not been published very much at all, I'm terribly thrilled to have my work show up in the latest
Pathfinder Adventure from Paizo Publishing. I was given the opportunity to write the set piece (a mini-adventure related to the main Adventure Path) for the issue. Driders, demon lords, bats and bugs. Yummy. :D
Of all the things that I'm excited about the set piece (of which I have a few), I'm curiously excited to see what the masterful Rob Lazzaretti did with my map turnover. It was quite the eerie feeling, to see the map look very much like your original (which is buried on my light table at home), but all shiny and colored up.
Such. Excitement. *does the happy dance in her office*
But! I have artwork to show off too!
For the
We'll Draw Your Pathfinder Character thread on Paizo, Kyran Semnir for Timespike.
A belated birthday present for aliyna,
of her WoW character Panderbrook. Wine glass and all. :P
Two commissions from Ross Byers for a design competition for Magic: the Gathering.
Didn't like the leotau on this one, but I like the monk. Lotus position is a bitch.
In other news, my hours have been cut in half. So if you want to give me some extra cash to help me get by, please
contact me if you've got some character commissions you'd like done. Or pinup. Whatever. :)