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Evening, 19th of May, Year 40
The purification went surprisingly well and was a much simplier process than I had originally anticipated. Very similar to a cleansing, which I have done many times before for the sick, just a little more concentrated. I’m pleased to say every single one of Kassogtha’s nine blights is now gone, and will hopefully not reappear.
The process did seem to take a lot out of her, though. She was a bit sweaty and looked exhausted by the time the last spot was purged. I told her to get some much-needed rest… with no bad dreams, this time. We left her with holy water to cleanse the area should any spots return or any pain be present, and prayer beads to ward off any evils. Not sure if the latter is actually necessary, but it certainly won’t hurt.
Afterwards Luthor & I had a pleasant, albiet rather late lunch (or early dinner?) at the Legerdemain before he had to head back to Silvermoon. I’m spending the rest of the evening working on the robes I am making for him. The pattern is quite intricate, and I want to make sure I get all the detailing correct. Note to self: pick up some gold thread at the tailor tomorrow.