Originally published at
Fire at Dawn. You can comment here or
Last week there was an Auction in Silvermoon. Not just any auction, but a Bachelorette Auction, where women sold dates with themselves for a charity of their choice. I wouldn’t have gone, honestly, but Kassogtha, a good friend of mine, was (and still is, I guess) having a hard time with this woman she is interested in and needed to get her mind off it.
However, she ended up buying herself a shadow priest to help her win this woman… It’s a long story that I don’t feel like writing. Let’s just say Kass gets her self involved with some strange people sometimes, and I wish I could help her with it but I can’t. All I can do is wish her luck.
After the purchase, Kass put herself up for bid. Surprisingly, an undead man bought her for 3,000 gold. She was the highest paid-for woman there, and I think the undead guy was a warrior looking pretty desperately for a healer to aid him. (Despite the obvious: He kept calling out, “Bring out a healer!”)The bid showed it. I was highly amused.
Didn’t see anyone else that I knew there, however. I sat by myself the entire time Kass was up on stage. It was a weird experience, as I don’t do things like that by myself very much.
Speaking of things I don’t do by myself… I had Tuesday night off this week. It was a welcome surprise, some recruits were being trained and I wasn’t needed. With the whole night ahead of me and nothing to do, I decided to go to the Drunken Kodo, which seems to always be open when I’m working. I used to go a lot with Kass, before we joined Fury Unbridled, our current guild. Now, duty just calls and calls and calls and we never have spare moment’s peace.
But, yes, I had the night off. I would have stayed at the Legerdemain to read and meditate, but it was much, much too loud. (The walls really are atrociously thin.) Light-willing, I decided I needed a drink and some old scenery, so I contacted Olantunji and invited her to come with me to the Kodo.
She met me in Ratchet and we walked to the Kodo together. However, just as we were about to sit down at a table and order our first round, she got called off to work. Saddened at her leaving and left to my own devices, I ordered a stiff drink and sat on the stoop for a bit, spacing out and not really paying attention to my surroundings. The Kodo was more crowded than I had remembered it ever getting. I recognized some faces from the Bachelorette Auction, but no one I’d start up a conversation with. Not that I felt feel very conversational.
After a bit, I walked over to the fence and leaned against it, people-watching. I didn’t notice Geranguas come up behind me, that is until he started touching my ears. I was about to slap the perpetrator, but when I turned around and noticed it was him, I wasn’t surprised. He is a rather peculiar Forsaken. I said hello, how are you, and not much else. A troll woman walked up to him and called him of for a private chat, so I just continued staring at the sun as it set in the horizon over the water.
When it started feeling late, I left and found port back to Dalaran. I was pretty tipsy by that point, as I kept buying myself drinks. I felt kind of like Haldrat for a bit, drinking something away. Only, I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was I was trying to forget or just not think about. I think I was just trying to relax, but that’s not usually the way I go about it. Note to self: Don’t drink so much by yourself.
When I got back from the Kodo, there was a letter waiting for me at the Innkeeper’s Desk. It was from Andalar. I had been wondering where he’d been off to, and it was good to hear from him. The letter was brief, but it game me all the information I needed to know: He’s finally been stationed in Northrend, Borean Tundra specifically, along with his friend Kieroth. They’ve been very busy, and haven’t been back to Dalaran since they were first given assignments there. The letter said he’d be back today, Thursday. I didn’t respond then, as I was feeling too lazy and ended up falling asleep, letter still in my hand and fully clothed.
I think I had a dream of him, but I don’t remember it now.
Anyway, I posted a response to him today, late as it is. I wouldn’t have been able to meet with him anyway, as I had work.
((This is on a separate piece of warm-colored parchment, and is not part of the journal.))
5th of March, Year 35
Dear Andalar,
It was so good to hear from you, as I’d been slightly worried where you and Kieroth had gone off to. I feared you two might have gotten into some type of trouble, and I’m glad to hear that I was way, way off. I hope your assignments have been going well in Borean Tundra. I worked out of Warsong Hold myself for a bit, but it was rather tedious for me. You both must feel relieved, though, to be finally stationed where the offensives are taking base. I, myself, am doing well, and I appreciate your asking.
I’m sorry I wasn’t available to meet with you today, I had much work to do. But I am free tomorrow, Friday, and also on Saturday if you are. Hope to run into you soon, I’m looking forward to hearing more of your lascivious songs that I won’t be able to understand.
May the Light guide you always,