~*~The 3 Siblings~*~

Apr 22, 2009 20:48

So I get on the #20 today after work.

Man #1: I like your hair

Me: Thanks

Man #1: How often do you have to re-dye it?

Me: About once a month or so

Man #1: I know a girl with hair like that, how do I ask a girl like that out with hair like that?

Me: Ummm pardon me?

Man #2 sitting next to Man #1: *making gestures for me to zip my mouth and making the circling cuckoo signal with his hand and pointing to man #1*

Man #1: *begins to give me weird one liner come ons that don't quite make much sense in the order he's saying it in*

Man #2: Sorry. He's my younger brother. Just ignore him, he's a little crazy.

Man #1 and Man #2 begin to squabble with each other

Woman sitting across from Man #1 and Man #2: Sorry. They're both my younger brothers. Ignore them both. They're both retarded.

Me: *silence and probably a weird smile*

Man #2: *makes the cuckoo gesture again and points at Man #1 AND Woman*

Woman: We along great with each other because we all have the same mom, but different dads.

*Their stop shows up and they all rush to get off their seats to leave*

Man #1: Sorry about everything.

Woman: *yells at the top of her lungs* CAN HE GET YOUR PHONE NUMBER PLEASE?!

Me: *sighs*
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