Mommy needs a nap

May 11, 2009 09:37

I am listening to my daughter rummage around in the kitchen and wanting it to be nap time right about now. I am so tired.

It was a really good weekend, but I am definitely feeling it this morning. Tim left early with Mary on Saturday morning and took her to my mom's house for the day, so he could get my Mother's Day surprise ready for me, which was really sweet. About a half an hour after he left (with my cell phone, because his was lost/stolen and I didn't want him driving hours without any means of communication), I got in the car to go to work and realized it wouldn't start. I wound up walking the two or so miles in...which wouldn't have been so bad if there weren't a somewhat nasty hill along the way and for the fact that it was raining. Wow, that sounds really lazy, but there you go. Got in looking like a drowned rat, did my thing for the shift, and Tim picked me up afterwards.

He drove me home and I came inside to find a clean house and that he had made me (cooked) sushi for lunch, which meant he had bought me a rice cooker. He promised to make me sushi all the time, which made me a happy girl. Then we hung out for awhile, I got called into Retail Job for a few hours, and afterwards, we drove to Connecticut to get Mary. We wound up spending the night there, which was nice, except Mary was far too excited that Mommy and Daddy were sleeping in the same room as she was and kept waking up. Woo hoo! (As a side note, she now sleeps in her big girl bed at home - go Mary! Very proud of her.)

Sunday we woke up, had breakfast and went to Massachusetts to surprise Tim's mom. We wound up staying there the whole day, which was good. I got Mary some summer clothes and Sue and I picked out fabric for her quilts for her big girl room. :0) I can't wait to start working on those! Okay, so she'll be doing most of the work since I am not exactly crafty, but I am excited to help!

Got home, watched True Blood on the DVR and Sweeny Todd (LOVE Sondheim, by the way...he's ridiculously talented), went to bed far too late because I am apparently totally unable to keep track of time, and Mary let me sleep until 6 a.m. That sounds sarcastic, but it's not - since the birds have been out she's been liking to wake up at 5 or so, so that was a welcome treat.

Now we're just hanging out (she looks adorable, but I am still in my pajamas). It's probably going to be an at-home day today, because we are waiting for Verizon to send his phone overnight, and I will need to sign for it. Grilled cheese for lunch because I am not feeling anything fancier, but that's okay. She has two playdates this week, so I'm not a totally lazy mother. Baby 2.0 is doing well, as far as I can tell, and not giving me any grief. She may even have a name, but that's still a matter of meeting her.
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