(no subject)

Jun 26, 2006 18:00


According to the answers you have just chosen you are most like the Disney Princess Pocahontas.

Pocahontas, the beautiful daughter of Chief Powahatan, is a playful free spirited young woman who knows every tree waterfall and wild creature in her forest home. With a name that means little mischief. Pocahontas loves adventure and excitement. Her curiosity and independance make her a strong girl whose passionate spirit touches and changes all those who know her.


You have the Fair and Balanced Personality: You are a teacher who students can really depend on to be fair. You are consistent and balanced in your approach. You rarely raise your voice and you almost always treat every student the same. No favortism in your room. Wonderful!

Seriously though...: Fair and balanced teachers make teaching seem easy. They have less disruptions in their classes because students realize that they will be dealt with according to the rules but in a fair and consistent way. If you ever slip up and do something that students perceive as unfair or inconsistent, don't worry - they'll be happy to point it out.

I can only hope that I will become this kind of teacher. Russell and I were talking the other night and he asked me what I thought my best trait was, like the thing I thought that I did the best ever, and all I could think to say was I know how to manage people. As long as I am in charge I can get the job done. But I don't really want to make people feel like I am commanding them to do anything so I always say please and thank you. But I can also be tough when I have to be. It got us to thinking maybe once I get my teaching degree, maybe I could go on to get a masters in some kind of administrative level. But not principal or something that small, I mean like Dean of a college or University or something...eh, it's a thought.
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