Sep 14, 2005 20:59
so i have to sit next to zch fagetti in home room
he makes me wanna cry every day
hes so mean
today i had earth science
my slug Chives......Died
i got another one ewwwww
ewww i had to pick it up with my bare hands and it was dirty
i love art class
i get to sit next to nico....even though he glances
health is tomarrow
the first class we rined his plans and we had a big debate on drugs
and the teacher told us "well when i was your age my mom tried giving me the ""talk"" and i said no i know this stuff...but really i didnt all i knew was stuff i learned on the bus which all was bull crap.... did u know how i thought a woman got pregnate....wellim gunna telyou... i thought a woman got pregnate by a man urinating in her"
omg i was cracking up so0o0o0o badly
we were talking about std's and nico was staring at me ....THE WHOLE TIME
so yesterday i had gym and we got cards
my favorite activity that i drew was log rolling really reallyfast
andwe had stickers on our cards and we had to match them up
i had a purple star
and out of like 50 kids....i was the only one
but i was put in nicos group so it ws all good
today was book talks
i went to the room that i read a book for in 5th grade and it was the one i signed up for
i got a fortune cookie
but didnt eat it
and igot to throw a maccosin
so yea im gunna go now
mall tomarrow call if u wanna go
nico i love you and im sorry