Craig and I did our own walking tour of Beacon Hill this afternoon. All I can say is that I had an amazing time, and I am absolutely in love with Beacon Hill!!!! All I need to do now is win the lottery big time so I can buy one of those homes! Beacon Hill is located in the area behind the Massachusetts State House and Boston Common and is sandwiched by Mass General Hospital. When I went home I did some research on Beacon Hill real estate and WOAH. Just...woah. It is so expensive!!! Homes go from anywhere from 11,000,000 down to about 1,000,000 (for condos under 1000 sq. feet). I totally wish that I could win the lottery and move there! Screw having a yard!!!
It's amazing the people in that area are just oozing with wealth. I was just so amazed. Everything was perfect and manicured and to boot we saw some of the "natives" and they looked so yuppy! This little girl opened up her front door while we were walking by and she looked like one of those cute kids from a catalog! She had on this white dress with flower prints on it, blond curly hair, and a really cute hat on! I totally wanted to take a photo of her but alas, that is just creepy. I also happened to sneak a peek at their front parlor as I was walking by...WOWZAHS! They had fancy couches, a victorian painting above the fireplace...neato! I am just so jealous!
Speaking of my constant amazed-ness on the trip I ended up forgetting to take photos but, I did manage to take seven...not too bad. I got this wicked awesome photo of Acorn Street which is the most photographed street in the nation according to well...everyone. The awesome part was that no cars went by so that the photo I took looks like a snapshot taken from the past! It's like...awesome.
We walked around for a couple hours and enjoyed the amazing homes. It's weird to think about they are ALL connected and they look like apartments but, they are just mansions that are all connected and really tall! I love how many of them have these gated passageways that look really dank and scary...but, at the end of the tunnel *which is as long as the house* there is usually a garden. Neat eh?
Speaking of gardens we saw many gated gardens today! Besides those almost all the homes had fragrant, beautiful, lush flower gardens in front of their home and the streets are all tree-lined. Not something you see in Boston too often. Louisberg Square is beautiful in itself....there is this gated park in the middle of the square and all the homes have beautiful flowers on their front steps and one house was amazing. It had these really fragrent purple flowers cascading down the house and these lush planters all around!!! By the way...Louisberg Square is where John Kerry lives I believe which is pretty neat...I could have photographed his houe and I didn't even know it!
Another thing I noticed is that Beacon Hill is rather quirky and unique. Many of the addresses are 1/2 Chestnut Street...or 5 3/4 Mt. Vernon Road *not sure which streets they were on but used those street names (which are real) as examples FYI* They were just everywhere! I would love to live in a home at 9 3/ would be such an awesome homage to Harry Potter (Platform 9 3/4 is the train platform for the Hogwarts Express)!!! I didn't see a home with 9 3/4 but, there might be one in Beacon Hill!!! I also noticed that on many of the steps there were these weird metal things on the bottom front step. Craig and I were trying to figure out what they were *I regret not taking a photo of one!* and we think that maybe they are shoe cleaners from back in the day. Like..shoe scrapers to get horse dung or something off your foot. We guess that because Craig's foot fits perfectly in one of those! =P We also so old horse-tie posts and other neat things like that!! Another thing I noticed about "the Hill" (as the natives call it) is that it is like stepping into another world. There is really no car traffic *even though the street is lined with cars* and the roads are very narrow and quaint. There is also an errie tranquility. Being that it is in the middle of the city we could not hear any sirens or honking horns or anything like that. It makes me wonder if the yuppies have constructed some sort of invisible sound barrier. I say this because just a few streets from where I first made this observation is Cambridge Street which is home to Mass General Hospital and when we were walking there was a CONSTANT flow of ambulences and stuff.
Towards the end of our little outing I noticed a sweet silveer corvette that had the top off and windows down...I went to sneak a look and I realized that there was a German Shepard sitting in the drivers seat! It was hilarious and I just had to take a photo of it!!! I totally am going to post that! After a bit more walking (we were looking for a Dunkin' Donuts) we stopped a small cafe and bought drinks and began our trek to the State Street T station to head home! We managed to get home just in the nick of time too! As we were settiling in it began to rain!! GO US!!! We obviously have a wicked sense of timing! =D
Craig and I have officially decided that we are going to go back to Beacon Hill Sunday June 1st because they are having this artists walk and they are having artist exhibitions int he gated private gardens!!!!! I totally want to go look at them so we are going!! I am so excited!!! =D
You cannot see the gardens along each of the houses. This is the beginning of the street and by the time the gardens started popping up I totally forgot to take photos! The little girl I saw lived on this street to the other side of the street!
This home is down the street from the above photo...I just melted when I saw this! The front door to the home is on the left hand side and I love the windows in the back!!!!
This is the famous Acorn Street!! This street was home to servants who worked in the mansions in the surrounding area and the homes on the right side used to be (I am assuming they are not now) homes that were one room deep. I saw a couple with children going into the second door on the right so I had to wait for them to go in before I took the photo! The thing I love about this photo is that it looks like a snap shot taken from history...especially with the old flag!!! I totally made this photo my desktop photo!
This is a home in Louisberg Square...John Kerry's home perhaps? Who knows!! I love the flower vines that are draping down the home (there was a better example directly across the street but, there was a huge gas-guzzling SUV in the way so it made the shot ugly).
An example of a gated ally way
Another gated ally- I took the photo through the gate bars! =P
This the awesome German Shepard in the driver's seat of the Corvette!!!!!!! Boo Yah!!!!
P.S- I hope you enjoyed the photos!!!!! I will certainly take more when I go back in June!