Jan 09, 2005 23:58
Okay people when you leave anonymous comments in here....I don't know exactly who you are unless you tell me. Therefore, I don't know who exactly is reading this. This is my journal...no one tells you to read it. Because of people not being able to handle this....I didn't wanna have to do this, but this is now going to be friends ONLY. If you're on my list already, then I'm keeping you on, you don't need to say anything. If you have lj and read this and wanna be added, comment and I'll add you. If you are one of those who just read this and don't have lj...well go ahead and create an account. If you have to read this to find out what's happening in my life and how I feel--well that's not cool and we're not friends anyways because you should ask me instead of having to read it here. UGH!