A week on!

Mar 12, 2013 09:10

So, a week on from Tor acknowledging me as part of the League of Tor Authors, and it’s been pretty damn amazing.

Celebratory Tea Mug from Mark

It is a learning curve, going from blogger and fan to noobie debut author.

Here’s stuff wot I did:

1. smile so much I had to go buy stronger face cream to combat the wrinkles that seemed to set in overnight.

2. say thank you to what seems to be a thousand people online and in real life.

3. have grown up conversations about an author photo.

4. scour my pinterest boards and set up super secret pinterest board loaded full of covers of books I love, images I love to hand over to Tor’s design team.

5. I signed up to be part of onefourkidlit.com as they invited me along - this is truly flattering.

6. got invited to be part of  a UK based kidlit author blog being set up - this is so exciting my mind boggles - also: flattering.

7. evaluate reading time vs writing time vs “down” time and realised for real that there is now no longer down time.

8. wrote around 5 thousand words over 4 days on book2 and kinda hoping I’m not screwing it up.

9. got emails from my family that, although they are thousands of miles away, made me feel loved and amazing.

10. started working very hard on the second bedroom to pull it into some kind of order so that Mark and I have a room that will be inhabitable if friends need to stay over.

11. tell people I work with about the deal and explain to them a bazillionty times that no, I am not JK Rowling or JRR Tolkien.  Geez!

12. how incredibly exciting and yet frightening it is when people you know well and who you’ve met as a blogger (and they are either a blogger or an author whom you’ve long admired) and they say: really looking forward to reading it when it’s published.  And then your brain goes into melt-down.

13. still, with the smiling and wrinkles.

14. remember to buy more waterproof mascara as it turns out I go all emo when I get good news.

15. realised I need to keep a series bible for characters and creatures that inhabit the Blackhart world.  *gulps*

No celebratory meal has yet been devoured - that will come soon.  In the meantime both Mark and I are being strict with ourselves food-wise as we have to look spic-and-span for a wedding in May and then our NY trip too later this year - where will eat All The Things.  *dreams of bagels*

We are also wondering what to do about a holiday later this year.  I would just like to go somewhere warm - and am secretly hoping the UK will get to bask in some lovely sunshine, because that would be amazing and it would mean trips to the beach with Sparrow, writing in the garden but also evening bbq’s and salad.  *quietly dreams*

Please, weather gods, get it sorted, right?

Mirrored from Liz De Jager.
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