We woke up this morning and found even more snow had fallen and was still falling - so we crawled back into bed where it was snug and warm.
Eventually, we arose, like the proverbial undead, donned a variety of layers and big boots and thick socks and set off to the local graveyard. It’s a pretty picturesque place at the best of times and we’ve not yet had the chance to see it in the snow. Armed with cameras, gloves and big woolly scarves we strolled around for about two hours and took a swathe of photos.
Deeper into the graveyard
Angel in the snow
Vinecovered gaves
Pathway between trees
Chapel seen through snowy twigs
Narnia lights
We decided to eventually head home as we were getting soaked - snow is wet, you know? But also, we decided we’d excavate our little igloo shaped car and head into town for some groceries, just in case of snowmageddon!
Now that we’re safely home, snug in the Tardis house, with yet more snow falling, we’ve reviewed our day’s adventure and we’ve called it “good fun”.
At this rate, to be honest, not entirely sure how we’re going to get to work tomorrow as it turns out our train service has already announced cancellations for tomorrow. Hurrah.
However, regardless of how things turn out, there will writing and more cavorting in the snow.
Mirrored from
Liz De Jager.