FRIENDS ADD ❀(...Friends ♥ Only...)❀

Aug 18, 2035 05:50

(Art by K-AOA on pixiz -made for me- <3 touch and burn)

Welcome! This is Lily's Journal. Try not to lose your brain or even worse die! <3 I hope you find what you came for, and maybe even take some fish on your way out.

-Please read this before you add me, 'kay?-

I've decided this journal will now really be FRIENDS ONLY. I'd rather not deal with any more abusive comments about my race, religion, English skills and so on any longer. With saying that, I would rather not have anyone added that is racist, childish, rude or close minded.

Also it must be said that if you're fond of speaking about people behind their backs be sure that I will not add you or even speak to you, backbiters are just not loved by me or anyone I know. If you want to gossip about people you know in person or someone on the internet be sure I will not take part in it. I never liked or respected those that talk crap about people behind their backs, not now not ever. If you like speaking about people or like reading gossip, leave.

Try putting me or my friends or anyone I barley even know in drama and be certain that I might just have no respect for you whatsoever.

I don't tolerate people that love their drama, I mean if you just live in it and find it amusing to put other people in the spotlight of your newest gossip about them... Just leave; people like that simply disgust me.

That and if you can't handle me being from a different culture than you, well, I'm not really sorry but it might just be your fault for being so close-minded since the internet is not just Americans. Trust me. Don't PM me about how "stupid Arabs are" or "I have no right to be in a game or a comm". You know why? I don't care, that's why.

I'm trying my best to not sound rude, but I'm seriously tired with how many people I get telling me that I'm stupid or dumb because things they have heard that are completely incorrect or because of my race or religion. If you have a problem about me being from a different country then you, than I'd rather never talk to you.

That being said and made clear to the best of my abilities I welcome you here, I hope you don't lose your mind completely. <3

I usually post about my health (c-constipation), school, friends, my brother, my sister, my piano, videos, the weather and sometimes I rant about RP. I can be very TL;DR about things, sometimes very discombobulated, but that's only when something is wrong and that doesn't happen often. I also love posting icons, but don't worry I keep them all behind a cut.

Everything I write here is just me being completely honest, brutally honest sometimes even. I have my handful of despairing little posts here and there but generally, I'm pretty up-beat and positive! I'd like to think so anyway~<3

I would like to you if we ever spoke to each other before adding you, since it helps with connecting people and all that. But if we never spoke, just leave a little something about who you are and something's we have in common. <3 Don't be shy, I don't bite heads as long as you're a good person~

... Well, you saw a few mistakes I made in English and want to fix them up? Feel free to comment to this post or PM me. Don't worry about getting me annoyed or anything, I actually appreciate and respect any and all crit. But please, I don't want any "You're English is bad and I don't like ya'!"

Contact: I have AIM, although the messenger never worked for me so I usually use meebo. Now, meebo sometimes dies on me or I forget to sign in. So I would like it you contact me using Yahoo or MSN/Windows live. Which could be found on my profile.

I also play Hinamori Momo everywhere and anywhere, Ukitake Jushirou and Kyoko Mogami too. I sometimes play /that/ mary sue, I mostly ever play her if I'm really, really, really board.

Oh, and... Just for heck of it!

image Click to view

Everything else? You should have gotten them from my profile.

Take care, and have a nice day.


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