I haven't really seen enough movies or read enough books to even listened to enough music to make a TOP WHATEVER OF THE YEAR/DECADE LIST, but I have wasted a lot of time in photoshop making sorta-okay icons. And I have rounded up my best here for a FAVOURITE ICONS OF 2009 post.
(Some are from a new batch I'm about to post if they don't look familiar)
Hmm, I really like that box-thing, huh? I don't really use much textures and I think my best icons are the simplest ones without much fuss. I seem to have latched onto the 'erase the background' technique with gusto. I still don't think I'm good with text although I experimented with it more this year than before.
Well, I'm still learning, still finding out what works and what doesn't. Thanks for tagging along, here's hoping I can keep finding the time to continue iconning in 2010!