I believe it'll be interesting to write in two languages here. Unfortunately my English is far from perfect so be ready for huge number of stupid mistakes. :D So here's some part of my creativity. For now it is the only thing I can translate from Russian and it's really sad because in fact there's nothing to translate. xD But... Huh, ok, just enjoy.))
Every object is functional which means you can use any bookcase, sit down on any chair and walk up and down any stairs. There is no custom content except LdDarcy_MaxisMoreDecoSlot_Armoire (more decorative objects on furniture) - grab it here: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=295062 (sorry, I don't understand yet how to give names to the links)). There are also CEP_EXTRA_blah-blah-blah (you may keep it if you have CEP) and Great Outdoors Great Big Trash Can (some rubbish from my game, throw it out). House waits new owners here: http://www.mediafire.com/?1a6ph47y72qab72 (Name is on Russian, means "Only Maxis".)