Alexis Wright- 'Plains of Promise'
I love the way you dive into your topics and elaborate with the insightful angles you perceive different themes. My Wk 8 post was inspired by this post of yours. I loved how you took your relationship with birds and translated it into your hopes, dreams, aspirations and fears.
It is funny how the little things in our lives can be so so so significant and relevant to the most inner cries of our heart.
I definitely see your heart through this piece of writing, I find honesty very relieving. Your experiences and interpretations of this bird are very real and deep. I myself have a fear of birds and to someone who doesn't this often seems really weird and a bit crazy.
Everyone's experience is relative and that's why we cannot judge, discriminate or blame anyone because none of us know the whole truth of one person's truth and justification.
Which i think is an important realization in "Plains of promise", and this whole semesters themes. Judgment, blame and discrimination have lept out of generations of injustice within Australia. And I think Alexis Wright successfully exploits that within her book.