Hi All :)

Aug 14, 2008 16:36

kay I saw this and found it interesting. I don't know the answers as they have not been revealed but I thought as most of my FList is footie mad we'd have fun trying to answer these. it's a comic like strip called You Are The Ref. now I'm linking you guys to the Guardian home page that it's displayed on. but it's a great strip giving you something to think about in footie terms. maybe the girls who mod comms could post the link as well and get their members in on this. they, the comics, give you situations that Refs are faced with in matches and aske you basically what you would do if You Are The Ref :) fun huh?

kay here's the LINK to the Strips and a history of the Strips.

but now here are my thoughts as to what I would do if I was the Ref:

Strip 1

1) A) no goal. that is pure petualnce and you shouldn't punish the team for it. and B) yes replace the player but redcard the original offender. a match ban might make him act more professionally next time.

2)my gut would go with a no goal. cause it was accidental and the other players was being a professional in giving it to the keeper. I would go with a no goal.

3)no that is stupid thing for a defender to be bitching about. especially now-a-days when players are wearing multicolored neon shoes at times. I'd tell him to stop whining.

Strip 2

1) retake the penalty. the dog is an outside influence and the play must restart so the player retakes the penalty.

2)hmmm toughie. I wanna say retake it but since the ball did come back to him, then my thinking that the play is now open so the defender can block teh shot. but did the defender get the ball or the man first?? cause if he got the ball then fine play continues but if he got the man and inside the box then the original penalty takers takes another penalty.

3)stop the play and give a verbal warning to teh entering sub. he needs to have entered the field of play in order to be active otherwise the team is still perceived as having ten men on the pitch. play restarts with the ball being awarded to the other team.

Strip 3

1)remove the original ball from the pitch. once it left the field it no longer counts. the new ball brought into play is the active one. so the ball thrown in doesn't count.

2)now this one is effing hard. cause a part of me is saying good for them for being ingenious and if they pull it off great spectacle for the fans. btu the other part of me is going the second player shouldn't be inside the box. it should be a one on one situation and the 3rd party should not be involved. so I gues I go with the latter that if that hqappens then penalise them for that by not awarding the goal adn giving the ball over to the keeper for a goal kick.

3)redcard both. improper and violent conduct. I think that says it all.

Strip 4

1)wow well if the senior Ref had allowed it I would let it go. but I would caution the angry manager and tell him one more outburst and he's sitting in teh stands.

2)allow play to continue but verbally caution the offending player. professionals deal with this kind of taunting all the time they should be used to it by now.

3)warn him to be sportsman like otherwise he'll be redcarded (and that has happened to fans before, the chairman is no different) i.e. sent out of the stadium and preferrably banned for a match.

Strip 5

1)damn that's a toughie. I mean a penalty sounds about right. I think... not to sure though.

2)nothing outside distractions are part and parcel to matches. as long as the mascot is not on the pitch he's not your concern. and teh penalty taker should chalk it up to a miss.

3)well to start this is an effing stupid rule. now my answer would be to take back the yellow issued to him and then issue it to his teammate for being stupid enough to take his teammates shirt off knowing it could result in a yellow card.

kay those are my answers anyone agree or disagree??? let me know what you think? also I wanted to post the strips here but thought that might not be okay. so I linked them.

football, quiz(zes), rambling

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