I need to ask this. umm been surfing the net and was reading the posts at
kickette and also checked out
football_wifenow here's the question. why do we feel so OMG he cheated on her bad bad bad when it comes to footballers being caught with their hands in teh cookie jar??? I mean these guys are paid ridiculous sums of money for what they do and am pretty sure
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yeah but while Hubs/BF is away earning the 200,000 pounds a week wife/GF is in Paris, Milan, or whereever spending said money. so really again I don't feel bad. and they go to as many parties as the Hubs/BF and without them too.
yeah I agree but I don't feel bad for those who are in a relationship for fame and money. cause then it's not a real marriage but a business.
Yeah LOL like you said, it's a business, and sometimes you win and sometimes you lose
LOL Yup.
But sometimes, these "other women" get the guy intentionally, so they can threaten to reveal him, or sue him for abuse and make a lot of money out of selling the story to the press; So, it's not always the WAG's fault, sometimes the guy has to be cautious also!
p.s. when is Cesc having his party? Just wondering. No rush.
soon. today I'm going to make a post inviting everyone who wants to help him decorate the house and also unveil the Santa and then the next post will be the party.
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