05 • 12 • Get over yourself, Jackson! [General S2 character background SPOILERS]

Sep 04, 2012 19:15

I’ve seen people objecting to the portrayal of Jackson's birth parents v. adoptive parents, and post 2X06, I couldn’t agree more.

At first I thought Jackson either had 1) issues about not being wanted, and/or 2) early memories of his birth parents, but nooo. Both his birth parents are [SPOILER]unambiguously dead before he was even born. His adoptive parents obviously care for him. Sure, they didn't seem to be aware of Jackson's drinking problem, but his dad could tell just from two words that something was wrong.

Jackson's "real" parents are Jackson's adoptive parents. Don't be speciesist, show! >=(

05/50 fandom moment ✿ 12/100 moments in 100 words exactly

[ DW | IJ | LJ ]

Sept - Oct Write Anything plan

[☆] 10 K of Regency Romance Teen Wolf AU

[☆] 3 K words misc. story notes

[☆] 1 K words misc. Teen Wolf fic

[☆] 300 - 1 K Reverse Remixes

BBC Merlin: sophinisba's Lancelot/Merlin (500 words)
Inception: fitz_y's Arthur/Eames (5.6 K)
X-M:FC: scribble_myname's Erik, Raven (265 words) -- The David and Jonathan remix?

[☆] 100 words X-M:FC drabble

Drabble queue: [Future drabbles]
1) Preschooler Stiles, concern over potential ADHD diagnosis
2) Jackson at kindergarten (5 y.o.), recently found out he was adopted, uncommunicative and unhappy

fandom, [teen wolf], 100_in_100, [merlin], [inception], to-do, writing, [x-m:fc], fandom100

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