03 • 05 • There can never be too many remixes

May 13, 2012 13:58

Remix a fic picked by someone else, and/or prompt your own fic to be remixed!

Can't help but participate because this (theoretically) combines my two great fandom loves: drabbles* and remixes.

I'm at a bit of a loose end, fandom writing-wise. I have this HP!Fusion X-M:FC plotbunny that I'm not comfortable starting, since I haven't even written a single X-M:FC drabble. My first Merlin fic was a merlin100 drabble, where I won all these fuzzy feelings and paid LJ besides (Thanks oconel and nefernat). I feel that if I can’t even write a drabble for a fandom, I have no business writing in that fandom =/

*Theoretically, because one DW comment can hold 1K~ words.

03/50 fandom moment ✿ 05/100 moments in 100 words exactly

[ DW | IJ | LJ ]

remix, 100_in_100, [merlin], links, to-do, writing, drabbles, [x-m:fc], fandom100

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