Mutants: Second Generation (Gen | Arthur/Merlin pre-slash, PG-13, ~9K)

Feb 16, 2012 13:47

An X-Men: First Class fusion//ModernDay!AU.
Powerful telepath Merlin went through life identifying as an empath until the night he encountered a brilliant mind in the waters.

Characters: Arthur/Merlin pre-slash, Morgana, Gwen, Gwaine, Leon, Lancelot, Morgause, Anhora
Word Count: ~9K
Betas: Part one betaed by dear symetric and proofread by lovely_dusk, part two betaed by lovely_dusk <3
Content Notes: SPOILERS for X-M:FC. Italics.
Prompt: sweetestel's awesome manip for merlinreversebb.
Give feedback to her lovely posters and wallpaper here <3
Author's Note: Thank you sweetestel for letting me switch around Arthur and Merlin's roles from your original prompt. Brainstorming with you and sending you fic snippets helped me stay motivated <3
All references in the fic are Google-able. Here are the spoiler-y Mutants: Second Generation "Playlist" and the spoiler-y character list.

( Have no story to be told )

( Making a home down there )

( Read it @ DW | AO3 )

links, rec, [x-m:fc], fanfic, [merlin]

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