Not only had the supernatural become suddenly real, but it had also become suddenly aggressively gay

Nov 08, 2011 23:11

*. I've deleted all PMs and comments containing phone numbers and addresses from LJ. All the ones that I can remember, at any rate.
*!. But of course the lesson didn't actually sink in, because I just left my address in a screened LJ comment half an hour ago. Whoops?

**. Thank you for the spiders, lrndng and slumber!

***. If you're sending me Yahoo add requests, do tell me your LJ username on the message, yeah? PM or e-mail me beforehand telling me your LJ username.

1. I'm shamelessly reading the gazillion Arthur/Eames on AO3 regardless of the fact that I think the ending of Inception is a dream =P I don't care what the director/producer says.
1 a. I don't necessarily think Mal is right, as much as I think DOM IS WRONG. At least the ending part when he went home and saw his children. Of course Arthur can still be together with Eames even if Dom is wrong.

2. Started reading Inception fanfic because I read Arthur/Eames knotting Alpha/Omega fanfic. Or maybe that catboy/werewolf fic.Or that jailbait/stepbrothers/schoolboyuniform-RP fic.
2 a. Or maybe it was Joseph Gordon-Levitt with his BEAUTIFUL CURLS and sweet DIMPLES and speaking/singing in FRENCH~~~
Also, that boy in Third Rock from the Sun Ten Things I Hate About You Mysterious Skin growing up to be Arthur *____*

3. I belatedly got into X-M:FC, not because of the many wonderful writers or James McAvoy's supernatural blue eyes beautiful beautiful red lips face, but thanks to The Autobiography of Magneto X.

3 a. Erik is one of my favorite rl names. That spelling (or "Erick"). I have no idea how you'd pronounce "Erich." "The Epic Love of Charles and Max" doesn't have the same ring.
3 b. James McAvoy is ridiculously good-looking and looks even better as he grows older. IDK I actually like his forehead wrinkles whyyyyyyyyy.
3 c. I've watched Inside I'm Dancing / Rory O'Shea Was Here. ;_; <333

4. French v. German: Arthur Joseph Gordon-Levitt v. Erik Lensherr. Decisions, decisions~
4 a. I'm re-reading Le Petit Prince in Japanese (Hoshi no Ouji-sama). I now understand much more compared to back in 2005, of course. It's interesting just how childish the little prince sounds in Japanese (his manner of speaking, that is).

5. merlinreversebb =D =D =D! Still not sure about the fic's scope but have an idea for the beginning. I guess this stuff is supposed to be hush-hush outside of the participants (and betas)?

November-December Write Anything plan:

[☆] 5 K merlinreversebb fic (4K by Dec. 10)

[☆] 2 K merlinreversebb story notes

[☆] 7 K Proper-False

[☆] 500 words Proper-False side story

[☆] 1 K misc. origific (
simulacra 'verse, Winter's Stone, Airin and Mark, etc.)

[☆] 500 words fairy tale

[☆] 500 words misc. story notes ( Winter's Stone, The Proper-False, etc.)

[ ] 500 words misc. fanfic (
daigakulia, etc.)

[☆] 1 K translations

[☆] 1 K meta, PSA, thought out comments/reviews

petitprince, lj, movies, fandom, rec, [merlin], links, japanese, [inception], to-do, :♥mcavoy, writing, fanfic rec, [x-m:fc]

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