He could check for a concussion himself, but he had a feeling that looking too long into those eyes

Aug 31, 2011 12:22

could be dangerous to a guy's sugar level.

Does anyone know if there are any U.S. pickery comm. out there like britpickery and hp_britglish?
I mean, we have lots of non-Americans in American TV show fandoms, right? How do they fact-check their American-ism? Most Americans have not visited all 50 states, so having a NYpicker/Illinoispicker/etc. would also come in handy.

The downside is that when answering city-specific/state-specific questions, you're effectively disclosing your present location (or that you've lived there in the past). But most LJers probably are not as paranoid as me re: that matter...

tl;dr: Any interest in starting up a U.S. pickery comm.?

MOAR original writing angsting blather, specifically on writing kissing scenes: [SPOILERS for "The Proper-False" part six, which I just posted, if anyone cares.]

I keep on feeling that my two main characters give out a bromance feel instead of a romance feel. And this after they've had their first kiss too =/

Canon Merlin/Arthur = bromance, but it's so easy to tip it over to romance.

My origific couple...I'm trying to tip them over but I'm not convinced/persuaded by my own writing =( Srsly though, if they move any slower on the physical relationship end they'd be glacier-like. (So no, I don't think it's because they're moving too fast.)

It's also not because the characters don't have a romantic bone in their body. In part four Adrien shows great potential for romantic gestures =P Maybe deep down I don't find present day m/m relationship being all romantic believable?


I mean, I've only written a grand total of five kissing scenes (drabbles don't count). This is my first origific kiss. So that could be why the kiss doesn't quite feel "real" to me?

Previous four kisses: Harry/Draco, Albus Severus/Scorpius, Merlin/Arthur, Vivian/Leon. The M/A kiss is my fav, followed by Vivian/Leon, but the M/A one is a remix so it's possibly the setting and chain of events in the original rubbing off on my remix. Idk.

=/ =( I'm actually contemplating AU-ing/fanficing my origific to see if I can make the atmosphere more romantic.

One thing that I do like about this kissing scene is the disjointed-from-reality feel. Whether that's because they're on an airplane and thus exists in a transient space, or because their whole situation is just weird, or just the disjointed feel of a new relationship, it's all good.

I suspect people don't read romance stories to experience disjointed-ness secondhand though. =_=


remix, lj, original, kissing, proper-false, [merlin], "real", writing, u.s.

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