Backyard Dispute (original, PG, 100 words)

Dec 03, 2010 01:31

"I need your help."

Airin rolled her eyes. "If you say you need to borrow my eyeliner, Mark, swear to God-"

Mark's guileless hazel eyes blinked at her. "What? No, guyliner is so 2009. I need real help."

"Let me guess, you left love sonnets in the head cheerleader's locker, and her boyfriend found out."

Mark shushed her violently, eyes darting around the deserted hallway. "First of all, they're in free verse. Second of all-" He lowered his voice. "Squirrels are threatening the gnome population in my mother's backyard. I need your help."

"...let me get my shovel."

A/N: I usually don't post original fic on this journal, but this one amuses me.

Answers musemuggers' backyard dispute prompt and writing_game's "I need your help" prompt.

original, drabbles

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