Dumping plotbunnies on my unsuspecting future gifter, as always.

Aug 30, 2010 15:13

Upcoming posts:
- Things That Made lilian_cho (Almost) Cry: An eclectic rec list
- Your ethnocentrism is showing; or, why "marked" portrayal of Asians annoys me

symetric, thank you for the fuzzy dice! =D *hangs 'em on virtual rearview mirror*
I'm tickled that the name is "Orbit Remix," since am currently participating in camelotremix X-D Am going to the bookstore tomorrow for mysterious remix-related purposes.
Submitting your name for my camelotsolstice gifter contact, JSYK.

CamelotSolstice 2010 Sign-Up:
(For my reference next year. Also because I like stalking other people's sign-up forms.)

Name | LJ/DW username: Lilian_Cho, lilian_cho (LJ)
E-Mail: lilian_cho@
Age Statement: 18+
Name of someone you trust (and can keep quiet) that the person creating your gift can contact with questions about your preferences (optional): symetric (LJ)

For the gift you would like to RECEIVE

Fic or Art? Fic
Het/Slash/Gen? Slash | Gen
Highest Rating: NC-17
Pairings (Please list two minimum or the maximum of five) Arthur/Gawain/Merlin, Arthur/Gwen/Merlin/Morgana, Arthur/Lancelot/Merlin, Arthur/Merlin, and/or Arthur/Merlin/Morgana
Genre(s) Preferred drama, character-driven, plotty, romance, friendship, Arthurian, modern day AU, Camelot AU, sexswap and/or humor

Special Requests, Kinks, or Common Clichés:
- Slash, pre-slash and/or gen are all fine.
- If you like Arthurian, go for it! =D
- I slightly prefer Merlin to Arthur, so if you go with an OT3 or OT4 make sure Merlin gets lots of attention, please?
- You can make Merlin and/or Arthur virginal/slut/anything in between. They can be top, bottom and/or versatile.
- I'm a-okay with Arthur/Knights and/or Merlin/Knights.
- Sorry for the super-plotty prompts. If you fulfill even a quarter of the prompt, I'd be happy ^^;;
- If you can somehow include my picture prompt/one-word prompt, more power to you!

Squicks or Dislikes:
- non-con, torture, humiliation, excessive angst
- Uther/Arthur, Gaius/Merlin. I'm a-okay with background Uther/Morgana though.
- Referring to Arthur as "the blond" and Merlin as "the dark-haired man/the brunette/the wizard." Merlin/Arthur =/= Harry/Draco Redux @_@
- No crossovers please, but fusions = <3

Three one word, or picture, prompts (Optional):

Prompt 1 - http://downloads.lanthano.org/lilian_cho/steamtop.jpg

Prompt 2 - http://downloads.lanthano.org/lilian_cho/Himalayan_flitten.jpg

Prompt 3 - changeling

One to Three detailed prompts for your gift:

Prompt #1 Reincarnation futurefic, Arthur/Merlin preferred. Arthur is reincarnated over and over while Merlin, forever young, just lives on and on. Merlin's memories has decayed, and he has forgotten what Arthur looks like beyond "blond hair, blue eyes, and mind-blowing."
You can read my flopsy (http://lilian-cho.livejournal.com/268931.html) for inspiration or ignore it.

Prompt #2 Boy!Morgana, gen or Arthur/Merlin/Morgan or any combination thereof. Morgan is slight, but he's better at swordfight than Arthur. Uther uses Morgan to "motivate" Arthur to be better. Morgan quickly realizes that if this goes on, he will make an enemy of the crown prince. So he plays up his weak constitution (not far-fetched because his mother was sickly) and expresses interest in scholarly pursuit, healing arts & matters of state instead. Gaius, for whatever reason, advises Uther that Morgan should not endure a knight's harsh training etc. Arthur is at first a bit suspicious, but ultimately lets the matter go and satisfies himself with taunting Morgan every now and then. Then one day, Morgan dreams of Merlin...
You can make it Girl!Merlin or keep Merlin as male.

Prompt #3 Gen or pairing-centric. Merlin saves Arthur's life but Something Goes Horribly Wrong. Arthur comes back to life, but now he's caught in a never-ending loop of Saving the Day and Dying a Bloody, Tragic Death at a Terribly Young Age.
After the however many times Merlin had Arthur dying in his arms, Merlin swears to break the circle. But what does Merlin have left to offer up in exchange (and not having Arthur die on him again?)

For the gift you will be GIVING

Fic or Art? Fic
Het/Slash/Gen? Slash | Gen
Highest Rating: Soft R
Pairings you can write/draw: Arthur/Gwen/Merlin/Morgana, Arthur/Lancelot/Merlin, Arthur/Merlin
Strengths in Genre: AU! =D ModernDay!AU, reincarnation, humor, romance, friendship, crack
Kinks/Things you will gladly write/draw: AU, bodyswap, sexswap, fluff, fusion, humor, kidfic, crack.
Kinks/Squicks/Things you don't want to write/draw: PWP, Arthur/Uther, Gaius/Merlin, non-con, torture, humiliation, excessive angst
I've only written nekkid cock once for summerpornathon. *fails at pr0n*
I'm game with OT3/OT4/OT5, but can't write sex scenes for them.

Special Notes/Comments
Again, slash, pre-slash and/or gen are all fine. If you fulfill even a quarter of the prompt, I'd be happy =)

lytdybr, links, to-do, lj, fandom, plotbunny, [merlin]

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