"My, my. What kind of books have you been reading, and does your mother know?"

Aug 24, 2010 01:35

1. I'm writing a You've Got Mail pastiche for merlin_flashfic's conquest challenge and au_bingo's Other: Mundane square.
Anyone up to bouncing ideas around with me? It's ~500 words so far.

Problem is, I don't like the movie that much (even though I loved Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks at the time). Erm. Well it obv. doesn't have to follow the movie plot. I'm probably too lazy to write any longer than 1K (or 2K max), at any rate.

2. Stolen from benebu's wondrous brain, as always:
This week @ writing_game - Don't bother denying it: the snake is ill-intentioned; babble and prattle, and describe the situation as 'colorful'; allow the community to benefit from your valuable piece of advice; or for a novel way to infuriate him, pawn your tutor's watch. 6 points each.
Come and play, original and fanfiction, drabbles and snippets are all welcome!

"For a novel way to infuriate him, pawn your tutor's watch." <-- This is just begging to be slashed.

3. So far I've written original and HP drabbles ( "Princess Lesson," Harry, Lily Luna, G) for the drabble tree. Would write more but am pretending that it's not my personal writing ground.

Come and drabble! We also have Merlin and Inception so far.
Sherlock writers, where are youuuu~

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◆writing_game, fandom, [merlin], happythings, links, ◆mukashi2, to-do, writing, drabbles, plotbunny

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