The Aftermath (Merlin/Arthur drabble, PG-13 for violence)

May 31, 2009 18:03

When he finally came to, the scene that greeted him was from a nightmare. Severed limbs were flung around burnt bodies in a grotesque parody of a dance.

Getting up on his feet with the help of a broken lance, he took a few mouthfuls of sooty air to clear his head. In the middle of the scorched black field, he could see a dark shape bent over the remaining patch of green. His boot made a squelching sound as he trudged past the broken bodies.

“Merlin,” he spoke over the keening sound. “They’re all gone. You can stop now.”


Answers merlin_flashfic's Nightmares and monsters challenge and merlin100's dance prompt.

1. What Dreams by suaine, PG
Summary: There was always a price. The balance of nature was transactional - one thing of a certain value required the sacrifice of equal value given up by the one who asked.
But Arthur never finished those thoughts, kept all of his heart locked up tight. Merlin knew what he was going to say anyway, knew of the way Arthur kept looking over his shoulder when he thought no one was watching. Arthur had nightmares, dreams of a world without him in it, all the more terrible for their warmth and muted beauty, hitting like a physical blow when he woke up.

2. merlin_flashfic's AU challenge will run until 22.00BST on Saturday the 13 June.

3. In lieu of #2, please answer this poll on AU Merlin fics =)

[ LJ | IJ | DW ]

ETA: I kept on forgetting to post about this: I found out a few days ago that I have an LJ gift certificate of $2. Did someone give this to me or did it magically appear? =O
Well, whoever you are, thank you <3 I have no idea what I'm going to do with them, so I hope you don't mind my regifting it ^^;; Eventually.

ETA2: What's even stranger is, I don't think you can buy gift certificates lower than $5? Is it leftover from my 3 months paid time? Confused lilian_cho is confused.

links, lj, poll, drabbles, fanfic rec, [merlin]

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