The Sounds of Water (Draco Malfoy gen, PG-13)

Mar 16, 2009 18:06

:♥: The Sounds of Water (Draco Malfoy gen, PG-13)
Summary: Draco wished fervently for those days when lack of visitors his own age was his only concern.
Character(s): Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape
Notes: DH canon is irrelevant. Not a linear story.

1. hpgen100's 15th prompt, Coward, is open until March 23. (Bonus points if you include Remus Lupin.)
The 14th prompt, Squib, is open until March 17. Feel free to combine the two prompts.

2. slytherin100's 75th Prompt, 'Supply and Demand,' is open until March 26th, 2009.
The 74th Prompt, DADA, is open until March 19th. Feel free to combine the two prompts.

3. Am currently writing "All the pretty ones are idiots" (Merlin/Arthur, PG-13) over at writing_game's pirate board.

4. merlin_flashfic's knee-walking challenge is open until Sunday 29th March 22.00 GMT.

5. My (admittedly slow) writing progress:

10K of Merlin by June 10.

5K of HP by July 15.

1K of original by June 30.

elements, ◆writing_game, ◆hpgen100, fandom, .♥lucius, .♥draco, [merlin], ◆slytherin100, .♥snape, writing

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