The story is in the details: Drastically Redefining Protocol fangirling

Feb 16, 2009 16:44

Guess what's complete? =D
[Insert annoying glittery font here]

\o/ Drastically Redefining Protocol by rageprufrock (Arthur/Merlin, NC-17, Complete)
Summary: In which Prince Arthur meets Merlin and all hell breaks lose.

I'm so charmed by this story, not least of all by the nifty multimedia details!

:♥: most of England is apparently biting their nails down to the nub trying to figure out if Arthur’s been boning anybody on the side and/or is dying tragically of some sort of wasting disease.
- Neville icon!

- Totally deserves the crazy attack LOLcat icon!

:♥: We always sort of had an embarrassing Ha Ha We’re Not 14 Anymore So This Is Definitely Not Acceptable In Any Way crush on you, but you are not helping at all by being so God damn adorable. In fact you are winning over some of the straight guys in this office with your talk of ninjas.
- PrufrocksRage's icon! And capslock-y comment of glee!
- frobisher's comment! ("First Dumbledore, and now Arfur?")

:♥: Prince Arthur/Merlin comment thread: It’s not RPS if it’s REAL
- I love meta, esp. about fictional people. Merlin/Arthur RPS in a Merlin/Arthur fanfic? WIN!

:♥: Evangelist Pat Buchanan included Arthur in his religious predictions for 2010, saying if he didn’t abandon his homosexual tryst, “God will rain fire down on England and all its commonwealths.”

“To be fair,” Clarence House spokeswoman Rosa Barringer said in a telephone interview the day before the wedding, “there is rain forecast for Sydney.”

On the day of the event, there were perfect blue skies for all 16 independent states headed by King Uther - including Australia.

- Seattle, Wallingford and Gasworks Park references = <3
- Lotsa links on this article work = my hypertext-o-phile heart goes pitter-pat!

:♥: Vanity Fair article
Pages 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- OMG Vanity Fair article by Conner Luthor WUT. CONNER I LOVE YOU COME HERE~

Quotes I love:
♥ There are two photographs of Emrys' hands, resting asleep and half-curled into the white sheets of a bed, a picture of his lashes, dark across Emrys' cheek, a photograph of the long stretch of his back along the mattress, half-obfuscated by an ocean of linens.

♥ "It's shameful the number of women who have agreed to fuck me just to find out what Arthur might have sampled previously."

♥ The Prince is notoriously indulgent with Emrys, which has inspired more than a little cognitive dissonance in a close-knit staff that sees Arthur vacillate between calling Emrys a moron and bringing him a daisy plucked from Hyde Park.

DRP Fanarts by spaggel:
:♥: Lets Play King and Wizard (PG)
Warnings: Tiny wee Arthur and Merlin
Tiny people crossdressing =P

:♥: Based of off Drastically Redefining Protocol Where Merlin cannot SHUT UP ABOUT RAPING NINJAS.

DRP Trailer by zoetrope here.

(X-posted @ IJ)

ETA 5:35 p.m.: The Administration books just arrived via UPS Ground! *makes clappy hands*
Nice cover and font. I wish there isn't half a nekkid man (at least no hairy chest?) in the back cover, and hope nobody in rl looks too hard at the rope bondage in the third cover, haha. I can say they're playing cat's cradle? X-D (with rope?)

fanart, video rec, rec, fanfic rec, quotes, [merlin]

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