Various Drabbles--three new and one old

Jan 12, 2008 23:14

"Glass Trinket" (Draco/Ginny)
daysandweeks gave me the prompt glass.
This drabble, like "Candyfloss," is a prequel to "Runaway Heir" (Draco-centric non-magical AU inspired by "It Happened One Night")


“What’s that you’re holding, Malfoy?”

Draco quickly hid the precious trinket inside his deep pocket.

“None of your business, Nott,” he replied coldly.

The taller boy scoffed. “Well, do avoid grinning like a fool if you don’t want to call attention to yourself.”

Draco narrowed his eyes.

The glass prism felt cool to his fingers. Deciding to let the comment slide, he went back to rereading the quick note Ginny had penned.

“Draco, my brother Charlie just came back from his latest adventure. I thought you’d enjoy this little trifle. Love, Ginny.”

The foolish grin was back on his face.


(Originally posted at writing_game)

"Mind Games" (Padma on Harry/Draco)
Am also writing "Twenty Things about Padma Patil."


The Gryffindor Chaser-Winnet? Spinnet?-scored another goal, and everyone cheered.

Padma was bored. Gryffindor always wins-they have Harry Potter, after all-and Ravenclaw wasn’t even in the running for the Quidditch Cup. It had been two-possibly three-centuries since Ravenclaw last won the Cup.

“You know,” Padma said in a thoughtful tone. “I wonder why Harry Potter finds Draco Malfoy’s arse so fascinating.”


“Give me those binoculars!”

“Crikey! Potter is engrossed with Malfoy's backside.”

“He can’t be expecting to see the Snitch to appear there."

"Wait until Cho hear about this!"

Padma just hummed to herself.


(X-posted at slytherin100 and at IJ)

"Palindrome" (Draco/Su Li flirtation, G)
This Draco (dm1980) and Su Li (androgynous88) are from “People Like Us.”


“You know what today is?”

Su Li looked up from the crossword puzzle in the newspaper. Draco sounded excited, as if it was someone’s birthday or anniversary.

“Well it’s not my birthday or yours. Saturday?” Li hazarded a guess.

“No, it’s 10 February 2001.” Draco pronounced with a wide smile.

“And…” Li prompted.

“It’s a palindrome date!” The blond man jabbed the air with his finger. “We’re only going to see one more in our lifetime: 20 February 2002!”

Li grinned up at Draco. “Moments like this, I love you so hard.”

Draco scoffed, cheeks a little rosy. “You Ravenclaws.”

(X-posted at slytherin100 and @ IJ).

"Freckles" (Fred, George, Lee)
dadomz gave me the prompt: I am thinking it's a sign, that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images and when we kiss they're perfectly aligned--Postal Service's "Such Great Heights"
If you like this, you'd probably enjoy the twins in "Coming Out at Christmas."


It was Lee who first made the discovery in third year. They were pulling their usual “No, I’m George” on him when he paused and scrunched up his forehead.

“No, you’re Fred…You have more freckles on your right side. George has more freckles on his left side.”

They thought he was bluffing until they stood side by side in front of the bathroom mirror. Faces shoved against each other, they stared unblinking at their reflections for several minutes.

“Huh.” George blinked.

“Turns out we’re not identical after all.”

They faced each other and broke into matching grins.

“We’re mirror twins!”


ETA 06/22/09: Remixed by penknife: Freckles (Mirror Image remix) [George, 100 Words, Rated G, spoilers for book 7]

P.S. slytherin100's 17th prompt, Razor (enchanted or Muggle) is open until January 26, 2008.
The 16th prompt, hero, is open until January 19 (bonus points if you include Regulus Black).

P.P.S. "Breakfast Club" fanvid and trailer (SPOILERS!), both set to Postal Service's "Such Great Heights."

miracle_drug, runaway_heir, ◆writing_game, remixed, :♥slytherins, .♥draco, ◆slytherin100, drabbles, video rec

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