Warning: Not rewritten yet. So transitions between parts are choppy.
Title: Love hopes all things
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: One-sided (?) Lily/Scorpius and Albus Severus/Scorpius. Shades of Harry/Draco.
Rating: PG-13 for pre-slash
Inspired by:
"The Trouble with Love" and the movie Love Actually.
Author’s Note: I didn’t have time to make
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YAY! \o/
What are the other ones? ;-)
"Dragon Dreams," I presume.
It's fluffy without being stupid or anything.
Great *g* I did hope the story doesn't sound brain dead ditzy.
And I love the way you write all the characters. Draco especially made me happy.
20 years later, he's an indulgent parent, a lot more laid back and a lot less twitchy X-D
Oh, and I loved how different Scorpius is from Draco. Makes me smile.
Yay! \o/ He's such a sweet, innocent, clueless child. Too bad that won't stay the same, bwahahhaha. *evil author's laughter*
I'm in the process of writing 20 Things about him X-D
And I wrote a scene of him and Al in Sixth Year having their first fight.
This is Scorpius _Amaryllis_ Malfoy, btw.
I've also written Scorpius _Severus_ Malfoy (Su Li's son and has a younger sister in China) and will write Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy (Ravenclaw, ends up with Rose Weasley =P)
the most distracting thing I noticed were the way the transitions between scenes worked. Sometimes they seemed a bit choppy.
ARGH I know T_T Looking back at it the scenes are all over the place. I wrote this mostly in 200-word installments, so >_>
I was aiming for 2000 words or less >_<
...I guess this will probably end up 300-500 words more (with the transitions) instead of less? ^^;;
I might need those bolded settings thingy:
Christmas Day
In the train station
Darn. Either that, or I change the writing style slightly so it's more of a collage of snapshot scenes instead of one flowing narrative. Hmm... Don't think it'll work that well for this story. Oh well, there's some other story I'm sure.
LOLOLOL I asked in the poll to pick "up to three" fav.s, but that's fine, thanks! X-D
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