So just two days ago the Red Queen screeched "Off with her head!" once too often, and Mad Hare got so pissed off he chopped off her head instead. There was this shiny crown lying in all those pretty blood so I picked it up and declared myself the new dictator princess of
The day after Draco Malfoy had the audacity to
imply that I'm addicted to Felix Felicis. I soon set him straight by
plotting his horrendous demise with my trusted assassin adviser.
I later decided that death was too good for the whiny brat, and thought of
selling him into slavery to the deranged Savior of the Wizarding world.
In the meantime the oblivious brat was
happily chatting away with that Ravenclaw Su Li. Of all the nerve!
Just wait and see--my revenge shall be complete! >=O
Here I go again, in normal speak this time:
1. Today is
Rabbit Hole Day, as seen on
2. I'm the new mod at
slytherin100, because I can't let the brilliant name of "Slytherin100" get deleted. If you write drabbles, please join. Then please fill out the
mini intro survey and
the poll.
3. F-locked post:
my alleged addiction.
gelsey needs you to fill out her poll on
her plotbunny, which involves Draco, Snape, Hermione, etc.
5. I put up "Close the Blinds" for
fanfic adoption because I'm uber-curious what the storyline behind that drabble is. I didn't want to write it myself, see. :-P
6. I caved in and created a Draco LJ
dm1980, as an accompaniment to Su Li's LJ
androgynous88. Friend, stalk, comment, etc. To make it easier for you, I've created a watcher community:
blood_of_dragon. I'll post RP summaries over there.
7. Read Draco's first LJ conversation with Li