Writer's Block: Anti-bullying month

Oct 03, 2011 15:06

As my life stands currently, I'm doing pretty well on the bully front.  In middle school I had trouble and I honestly think that middle school is the toughest part of a lot of people's lives (not sure why, but the worst bullying stories I've heard have been from middle school, including in my own area where a boy was bullied to the point of suicide).  In highschool you still deal with some of those people but depending on what school you go to, sometimes it's a great place where you can find your niche and people who share your interests.  In college I was bullied by my advisor.  It's sad because the woman who should have been helping me learn and build my career did the exact opposite and made me never want to return to my field.  However, I decided that I wouldn't let her take me down.

I'm in a really great place right now and hoping to advance in that field soon and then I can stand even taller and say 'look what I did, and I did it without your help, despite all the things you did to hold me back and kick me while I was down.'  College is supposed to be one of the best times in your life and there were many times I felt like I was back in middle school with the bullies.  I'm not sure what pushed me through besides my competitive spirit to show them all what I was made of.  I couldn't let them win because I know in my heart I'm good at my job and I care about people.  In the end, I feel like those are the things that matter.  Be happy with what you do and who you are, if you're not, the only person who can change it is you.  It's never too late to turn things around and it's never too late to try again.

Anyone who's currently being bullied, I'm sorry because you don't deserve that.  Please know that even in your darkest hour there are people who love you, it's okay to cry and that it gets better.  <3  Someone or something are waiting for you, may it be your soulmate or a little lost animal that needs some love, please stick around to find out.

writer's block

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