You know, I was thinking. Am I the only person that doesn't think that romantic pairings are the most important bonds people can have?
For example, I was asking for recs on
spnstoryfinders earlier and I realized that my biggest problem is that even though I love Dean/Castiel, that Castiel is actually third in my list of favorite spn chars, after Sam
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I don't read or write Sam/Dean slash because psychologically I just can't make it work. Dean was in loco parentis for so long, there are massive power abuse issues, just for starters. Then I agree, too, about Dean and sex. Or rather, Dean and intimacy. I don't go much for Dean/Castiel because I find Cas more interesting as a character when he is more unearthly, otherworldly, however you want to phrase it. So although I can see Cas as being fascinated, maybe even enamoured, by Dean, I can't see them consummating it. I don't even think Castiel would want to. Again, the psychology of it doesn't work for me.
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