
Sep 12, 2014 10:46

My day started so so well.

I have an interview in Châteauroux this afternoon (4pm), and my train left from Nantes at 10am. I woke up sick, as I often do when I have an interview because stress is a bitch. But I know how to deal with it, so I'm fine (I'm still a bit nauseous right now but I'll live). I leave my place on time to have around 15mn in the station to validate the ticket, grab some food for my lunch on the train, and some cash for the taxi tonight. And. The. Fucking. Busway. Breaks. Down. For people who don't know Nantes the busway is some kind of hybrid between a bus and a tramway, and I never had a problem with it but today it stopped working 2 stops from the castle, which is where I leave it to go to the station. So I walked/half ran the end of the trip and arrived all disheveled and sweaty at like 10.01am. Fuck you Nantes. So I managed to get a replacement, I'll arrive at 4.30pm but I called and they're okay with it, but it's not via Paris anymore so 1) I won't get my hug fromflourflower as planned and 2) I'll go from Tours to Châteauroux by bus. 2 hours. Oh joy.

life, venting

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