Feb 17, 2006 23:20
LIMUN day 1
so.. if you've been in MUN with me in the past and thought i was bad then.... well, i think actually being the Chief of Staff (actually my full title is now Chief of Staff, Under-Secretary-General of Communications and Marketing - cool huh? and that is actually all printed on my badge! - hey this is all the material stuff i get out of it! so i can be conceded about it!) at a conference brings my craziness to the next level. I didn't even know that was possible. It's amazing that MUN always does this to me.. this being the fact that i hear my phone ring or vibrate when it actually isn't - it's just becuz so many people call, and i expect them to call, so i keep on "feeling" it. it drives me nuts. And i've really learned making conferences are a lot more fun than going to them. It is tough though, the hours you put into it double - i feel like they take more like a 25 hrs day than 24 - you're just always on a HIGH, always going. You're name is always on someone's lips, you're always moving (my feet hurt SO SO MUCH) but its great. It is such a high though. AND I LOVE IT. People work together, different teams mesh. THis is the best part about organizing stuff, societies, clubs. It is when you work together to get something done, when you have a common goal, common work ethic, common drama, pain and pleasure. It is really undescribable. The scale itself presents challenges - communicating even in our mobile world becomes difficult. But you learn things fast. You learn names, you learn badge colors, you learn rooms. You start working in the zone. You start being very appreciative. You start realizing how great people are. and finally you realize how happy you are, though not to forget how exhausted. None of us ate today until 10pm. no breakfast, no lunch - no breaks. We kept at it. I don't know how NMUN people do it for a week. 3 days is going to be tough already - just the level of attention you have to keep. The level of sensitivity. People come at you left and right. Remember to smile. I think i should go into PR - that is in the end what i really like doing. Politics and PR eh, same thing right? yea, really it is. Lobby, Lobby, LOBBY!
Oh yea, i forgot to mention how great High School teachers are! we have a high school team from Peru, and their teacher actually bought me a Peruvian art tile! IT IS AMAZING! unfortunately it got smashed in bits today - superglue time! (the cracks will only build more character to it!)