Has it ever occurred to anyone that eyebrows are pretty cool? I mean, they help fill that void between beautiful eyes and a blank, skin-covered forehead. They match the hair that comes after the forehead and it completely balances the face!
You know who has really good eyebrows? England.
Not only just are his eyebrows the sexiest thing I think I've seen, after scouting after several guys trying to find "the one," I think those eyebrows are the sexiest things I've ever seen. They've completely ruined me for anyone else. ;n; I see a guy who's 6'0'', 160 lbs, built like a tank but stream-lined and lean like a swimmer, but all I can think about are England's damnable yet sexy eyebrows! I want to pet them, comb them, braid them~
I can't possibly be the only one who has thought of this before! They are proud and powerful eyebrows, eyebrows suiting the United Kingdom, where the sun never sets. With eyebrows like those, you know nothing will ever go wrong. Godly perfection went into those eyebrows. *-*
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