GOODNESS its been 6 days since ive updated. . .

Feb 22, 2005 14:51

yeah so the idea of a four day weekend:awesome
the actuall four day weekend:kind okay
okay....FRIDAY: had major plans, but ALL of them got cancelled cuz different people were sick
SATURDAY: my parents wake me up at the ass-crack of dawn (8:25) to go to some North-Buddah place
and i was TOTALLY bored
so...then i came home, got cleaned up, then went to lindsays to primp for the summit
then we went to the summit!!!! (duh)
ya so it was me, lindsay,lindsey,kelsey,kaitlin, heather,carly,meghan, and OUR PIMP alex
then bryan came, who i must say, i really like
like REALLY (uhhh...enough said) then after lindsay left (tear) we all went and hung out in the parking lot (oh yeah!)
and talked to some like 8 guys i didnt know about cars
then we rolled johnny rockets bathroom (fun fun)
then erics car started effin up cuz he wanted to be cheap and wired his car wrong (LOL) so he came back
then i was gonna get bryan to take me home, but he didnt wanna leave so "early" so i called chuck to come get me. but then i got grounded. BOOOOOOO its a whore.
then SUNDAY was TRES boring
therefore, not worth writing about
MONDAY: i worked my BUTT OFF
thats correct, i no longer have a butt
just kidding...weird mood im in right now
ANYWHOO...i went down town to the loft so that i could help kim clean and start decorating
we went from like 10:15 to FIVE P.M.!!!!!
thats not legal. is it?
SO that was my oh-so-fun four day weekend
awesome huh?
later yall!!!
You know you love to hate me,
*alison b*

Quote**** "OH MY GOD YALL!!! my new ringtone goes 'ringringring:phone call for alex, phone call for alex! yeah...they didnt have my name so i just picked alex. cool huh?" Carly. we love her
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