Feb 25, 2005 21:13
thursday morning me michelle alyssa and britt went to nicoles senior "day" even though we missed the first period and more then half of the second lol.. after that me alyssa and britt went back to britts house and we rode her horse! ive only riden a pony lol then alyssa left and i left to take a shower and eat and get my stuff then i came back and slept over and we realized that we're so much alike cuz we're both afraid of like everything lol.. so it snowed and today we woke up and went around a little bit then we sat in coach bobs hot roc van on chairs and it was so scary cuz we were like tippin all over the place it was funn!!.. we went to the amity senior "day" and they wonn!!.. umm we went back to her house and jen morgan came overr!!.. we finally went outside and fed the horses and then went snowmobilein it was sooo much funn! lol me and jen went on the sled and britt pulled us and we wiped out so many times and jen kept doin face plants haha it was funny.. we ate some pizza then went to roberts game!! they lost it was sad but then i went back to her house to get my stuff and now im home and was hoping to hang out with mike but his parents treat him like a 5 year old so 900 is to late for a 17year old with his own car.. yeahh that makes sense im a lot younger then him and allowed to do so much more its sad