Dec 04, 2008 19:19
Damn you guys, I am really sorry I haven't updated in forever and I haven't commented on anyone's journals and I haven't been online at all in like a month!!!! TT___ TT Whoever's internet I was snatching went bye-bye, so I've had no internet. Tonight there's a faint signal from somewhere though, so I'm taking advantage!! XD Hope it holds out...
I'm planning on getting MY OWN internet this weekend. Gonna ask the nice landlord guys about it. ;3
Homans, I have been FREAAAAKING busy though. Even if I had internet, I wouldn't have much time to be on it. I had THREE concerts in a row -- so three Saturdays in a row I worked. All the concerts went well, but my favorite was at Soubu 'cause we did the chorus thing and I loved the song we sang. <3
I've been working over at Soubu a lot lately too. They keep asking me to make materials. I stayed after on Tuesday to make a Bingo sheet for a teacher, and when I came in today, she got up, ran over, and freaking gave me a huge hug!!! LOL!! And they like my drawings, so I have to hand draw everything I make and that takes a LOT of time. x__ x One teacher was like, omg Alison you should be selling these for 3000yen (about $30) a set! XD And then one dude was like, then you all owe her like 5man ($500). XD Hahaha. They keep saying how they really want me back there next year and they want me to come more often and only I will teach English, no Japanese supporters teaching. lol. They were REALLY talking about it like, ALISON YOU HAVE TO COME BACK HERE NEXT YEARRR and it kind of choked me up a bit!! ;v ; I would LOVE to come back to Soubu next year, I love it very much there and I'm making friends. Real friends. <3 Lots of young teachers there -- some even younger than I am. So yeah... plus I love the kids there a lot. But yeah... It's not up to me, I just have to hope my company places me back there again next year. :3
Lul - one dude's name is Imai, so I asked him if I could call him Mai-mai and he was like, MOCHIRON! OF COURSE!!! XD So I totally call him Mai-mai all the time now lul. I think he's only 23? XD
I was invited to a festival for that school last Saturday, so I went and I ended up helping make decorations (funtimes -- when the kids saw the decorations I made, they were like OMG ALISON-SENSEI DREW THAT DIDN'T SHE?! ) XD and I helped sell some pizza and meat-buns. And helped make takoyaki (octopus balls). And I got to eat a lot of delicious festival foods! It was a really fun day. I ended up staying until after 5pm and then me and three other teachers went out for drinks. >:D Me and the two guys ended up going to karaoke too. XD It was a blast. They invited me to go on a trip with them and two other teachers maybe over winter break. So I'm looking forward to that. :3
So yeah, I've just mostly been busy with school/work. The JLPT is this weekend. Totally gonna fail, but whatever, I'll do my best.
Um, besides work, I bought Chrono Trigger for the DS, so I've been playing that at night before I pass out. I finally bought a pair of boots too! I just needs some skirts/shorts and some tights now. XD Oh! And I bought the new capsule album -- More!More!More! at HMV the other day!!! Omgggg I love it so much hahaha. Also, apparently Nakada Yasutaka frequently DJs at a club in Shibuya and I would love to go sometime. *___ *
Um, I guess that's all I've been up to lately. Also freezing my ass off at school. I need gloves.