The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fifth Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Extreme
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)High
Level 7 (Violent)Very High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Very High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)High
Take the
Dante's Inferno Test Hmm.. who would've known?
Paranoid Personality Disorder:High
Schizoid Personality Disorder:Low
Schizotypal Personality Disorder:Moderate
Antisocial Personality Disorder:High
Borderline Personality Disorder:Moderate
Histrionic Personality Disorder:Very High
Narcissistic Personality Disorder:Very High
Avoidant Personality Disorder:High
Dependent Personality Disorder:Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:Low
Take the Personality Disorder Test --
Personality Disorder Info --
Again, nothing new. I love myself! *hugs self*
What type of person do you attract?
Your Result: You attract artsy people!
Those free spirited artists with great imaginations find you interesting. They are usually interesting themselves, so its not a bad thing, but they CAN be a bit wifty and choose odd goals. If you like life to always be a bit 'different' from the norm, but not too extreme in any one direction, these are the people for you. If you seek logical decision making skills and good money management, you may want to change something in the way you appear. Artsy people are fun for adventure and exploring, so, have fun! (smoking weed helps too)
You attract unstable people!
You attract models!
You attract Yuppies!
You attract rednecks!
You attract geeks!
What type of person do you attract?Quizzes for MySpace Hmmm... where can I find me a hott artist to smoke weed with? *face*
What's Your Best Quality?
Your Result: Out-Going
Your best quality is out-going! People like you because you are fun to be around and no one ever knows what you will do next. Also you are not afraid to say or do whatever
you want.
Sense of Humor
What's Your Best Quality?Take More Quizzes Oh look. So I'm not an invert idiot that only loves herself? Yay!
Probability of killing, 57%
You have probably seen death. You watch too many horror flicks, play too much violent videogames, or probably exposed to death by where you live. or maybe you have lots of problems with enemies or have little self-esteem. The factors add up that you need to avoid situations or people that could push you to that point.
Are you capable of killing Again with the low self-esteem. Hmm...
You are 58% horny!
though u get horny once in a while, u'r not really a horny person after all.
it could be genetic. don't worry..i'm sure u'll find a horny-less partner..
P.S: try some pills..dude!!
How horny are you?Make a Quiz MWAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA! ...mwahahhahahahahaha! ...Mwhahahahahahhaha! ...Mwahhahahahahahha!
Are You Gay, Bi, or Straight?
Your Result: Bisexual
Your result indicates that you are most likely bisexual, capable of attraction to either sex. Maybe you already know this, or maybe you have not yet admitted it to yourself. Either way, acceptance will give you peace of mind. Be proud of who you are.
Are You Gay, Bi, or Straight? They always say that... though usually I'm just gay ;)
You have a 55% chance of surviving a zombie outbreak
You would do pretty well, maybe killing a zombie or two along the way, but you would end up doing something retarded and be a part of the living dead
Zombie Survival TestQuiz Created on GoToQuiz Whoa. I'd do something retarded, eh? Tell me something I don't know!
''You are 100% Ready for a child"!
"Start The baby machine"
You would be a #1 Mom or Dad, go ahead and start making babys!The stork awaits you!
Should you have kids?Make a Quiz I nearly choked there. I'm still choking. Turning blue. Dying...
What is your type of guy?
Your Result: The rebel
This guy is all about the hard core music and all the awsome concerts he goes 2. He hates obeying the parents and doesn't do his homework so he might have bad grades.
The romantic shy sweetie
Aeropastle guy
Smart guy
What is your type of guy?Make Your Own Quiz Riiiiight. Couldn't be more wrong. I like slackers. ♥
What kind of sex is for you??
Your Result: Middle of the Roader
Depending on your mood. sometimes you like it rough, and sometimes you like romance. This is good.. you can always keep your partner guessing!!! !!!!!!!!!
Hard Core
What kind of sex is for you??Quiz Created on GoToQuiz I should stop already. I really should. But these quizzes amuse me to no end ^^
You Are 59% Popular!
You are somewhat popular. Definitely above average anyway. You have friends and things go your way more often than not. You're in a good spot, but you have room for improvement if that's what you want.
How Popular Are You? Improvent... on this? Duuuude!
Are You Datable?
Your Result: You are 50/50 Datable
According to the results, you are and aren't ready to go on Dates. Somewhere in there is telling me that you know the basics of being in a relationship, but you just don't know how to keep one long lasting. So it's really 50/50 at this point. It'll either crash and burn or fly high in the sky.
You are Datable
You are Not Datable
Are You Datable?Create MySpace Quizzes Yeah, one crash and burn coming right up! XD
Do Guys Think You're Difficult to Date
Your Result: Sexy Challenge
You know the moves that make men crazy for you. First, you get the give-and-take relationships need, and your kind to guys without being a wallflower. Plus, you pick your battles. Life's too short to sweat the small stuff.
Total Pushover
Dating Dictator
Do Guys Think You're Difficult to DateSee All Our Quizzes That's scary. Can I find one that's not about relationships? Please?
What Mythical Creature are you?
Your Result: Werewolf
Werewolves are part human, part beast. They reside in human form until the presence of the full moon, and then transform into a primal beast, that will destroy and ingest anyone and anything in its path. Because of this dual existence, werewolves are often thought of as an entity containing a dual personality. Because of the trauma that is induced from such a treumendous physical change, the human part of the werewolf often does not remember the change or even the events that have passed, and only suffer something of a "hang over" the next day. Some werewolves even live in complete ignorance of their disorder until the very day that they die.
What Mythical Creature are you?Quiz Created on GoToQuiz I rock. I'd be such a pretty werewolf. Fur and fangs and auch... painful thoughts ;)
How Retarded Are You?
Your Result: Terri Schiavo
The ultimate retard. It's hard to as dumb as you are without everyone wanting to put you on life support and feeding tubes. There are some that think of you as a living breathing - aware - human being. Those people are totally wrong. You should be euthanized and are a good argument for legal partial birth abortions.
Rosie O'Donnell in "Riding the Bus with my Sister"
Blair's cousin on "Facts of Life"
Corky from "Life Goes On"
Leonardo Dicaprio in "What's Eating Gilbert Grape"
Timmy (South Park)
A Dave Matthews Fan
Stephen Hawking
How Retarded Are You?Create MySpace Quizzes My kinda test, obviously! Mwhahahahahahhaaha!
Your life has jumped the shark 0%!
Your life still has meaning. Congratulations. You have not jumped the shark. Your life may even be kinda cool.
Has your life jumped the shark?Make Your Own Quiz Comforting... Not!
You Are 54% Strange!
Based on your score, it seems you do have a healthy dose of strangeness. You aren't THAT far out, but you are somewhat bizarre. Congratulations on being different and having some quirks. It makes you an interesting person!
How Strange Are You?Quizzes for MySpace Nothing new here either! ;)